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2020년 충남지역 집단급식소에서 발생한 대형 식중독의 사례 보고

이용수 326

Case Report for a Large-Scale Food Poisoning Outbreak that Occurred in a Group Food Service Center in Chungnam, Korea
이현아(Hyunah Lee) 김준영(Junyoung Kim) 남해성(Hae-Sung Nam) 최지혜(Jihye Choi) 이다연(Dayeon Lee) 박성민(Seongmin Park) 임지애(Ji-Ae Lim) 천영희(Younghee Cheon) 최진하(Jinha Choi) 박준혁(Junhyuk Park)
간행물 정보
『1. 한국환경보건학회지』제46권 제5호, 525~531쪽, 전체 7쪽
공학 > 환경공학

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1:1 문의
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Objectives: This study was performed to identify the epidemiological features of a food poisoning outbreak in a company cafeteria located in Chungcheongnam-do Province, Korea in June of 2020 and to suggest preventive measures for a similar incidence. Methods: A total of 84 patients with acute gastroenteritis were examined. Environmental samples were obtained from 16 food handlers, six food utensils, 135 preserved foods served over three days and nine menus, and six drinking water samples. These are analyzed to detect viruses and bacteria. Results: Ninety-four out of the 402 people who were served meals (23.4%) predominantly showed symptoms of diarrhea, and the number was over 3 times. Among the 84 patients under investigation, 17 cases (20.2%) were positive for Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and 18 cases were positive for Clostridium (C.) perfringens (21.4%). Based on the investigation, it was concluded that the main pathogens were EPEC and C. perfringens. For EPEC, it was detected in three of the food service employees and in the preserved food and curry rice. The results of pulsed field gel electrophoresis indicate that all EPEC cases are closely related except for one food service employee. Assuming that isolated EPEC originated from the preserved food, the incubation period is about 25 hours. The origin of the C. perfringens was not determined as it was not detected in the food service employees or environmental samples. Conclusions: This case suggests that food provided in group food service centers must be thoroughly managed. In addition, identifying the pathogens in preserved food is very important for tracing the causes of food poisoning, so food must be preserved in an appropriate condition. To prevent similar food poisoning cases, analyzing cases based on epidemiological investigation and sharing the results is needed.


I. 서 론
II. 재료 및 방법
III. 결 과
IV. 고 찰
V. 결 론
감사의 글


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이현아(Hyunah Lee),김준영(Junyoung Kim),남해성(Hae-Sung Nam),최지혜(Jihye Choi),이다연(Dayeon Lee),박성민(Seongmin Park),임지애(Ji-Ae Lim),천영희(Younghee Cheon),최진하(Jinha Choi),박준혁(Junhyuk Park). (2020).2020년 충남지역 집단급식소에서 발생한 대형 식중독의 사례 보고. 1. 한국환경보건학회지, 46 (5), 525-531


이현아(Hyunah Lee),김준영(Junyoung Kim),남해성(Hae-Sung Nam),최지혜(Jihye Choi),이다연(Dayeon Lee),박성민(Seongmin Park),임지애(Ji-Ae Lim),천영희(Younghee Cheon),최진하(Jinha Choi),박준혁(Junhyuk Park). "2020년 충남지역 집단급식소에서 발생한 대형 식중독의 사례 보고." 1. 한국환경보건학회지, 46.5(2020): 525-531

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