식물표현체 기술을 이용한 벼의 생육 및 건조 형질 분석
이용수 15
- 영문명
- 발행기관
- 한국육종학회
- 저자명
- 김년희 김송림 최인찬 지현소 이홍석 이은경 백정호 양종목 안은숙 김경환
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국육종학회 학술발표회지』2018년 학술대회 발표집, 244~244쪽, 전체 1쪽
- 주제분류
- 농수해양 > 기타농수해양
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2018.07.11
구매일시로부터 72시간 이내에 다운로드 가능합니다.
이 학술논문 정보는 (주)교보문고와 각 발행기관 사이에 저작물 이용 계약이 체결된 것으로, 교보문고를 통해 제공되고 있습니다.

국문 초록
영문 초록
해당간행물 수록 논문
- The comparison of two base-editors for precise nucleotide substitution in plants
- Large-scale vector sequence sampling to develop DNA chips for GMO identification
- Molecular approach to develop novel plantsoptimizing the shade avoidance syndrome (SAS)
- Genetic variation of Major Carotenoids and fruit characteristics of 250 tomato germplasm
- Deciphering the complex wheat gliadin proteins: basic study to application for development of allergen-reduced wheat
- Chromosome investigations on three tetraploid of Chrysanthemum species through FISH analysis
- 고추 shed-소포자 배양 시 배지내 pH 및 품종이 배 발생 효율에 미치는 영향
- Marker association analysis to improve tiller number in F₈ population for wheat breeding
- Genetic diversity analysis among accessions of Perilla crop using new development microsatellite markers
- Identify component difference of tea cultivars using fourier transform infrared(FT-IR)
- 콩에서 자외선(UV-B) 저항성 유전자원 탐색 및 유전양상 규명
- Characterization of complete chloroplast genomes of Hemerocallis fulva and Veratrum japonicum
- 기후변화 대응 다수성 고구마 품종 육성을 위한 계통 선발
- Cloning and characterization of two phytochelatin synthases in rice (Oryza sativa cv. Milyang 117) that respond to cadmium stress
- Characterization of a male sterile mutant line reveals that asymmetric microspore division is controlled by a MYB transcription factor in Arabidopsis
- Development of image-based traits for model tomato(Micro-Tome)
- Role of chloroplast dynamics in plant innate immunity
- Map-based cloning of SPLIT-HULL (SPH) gene related to hull splitting in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- Roles of perilla heading date gene, pfHd3a, in flowering time
- Genome-wide investigation and expression analysis of F-box genes in wheat development stages
- Towards breeding for multiple abiotic stress resistance in rice: an example using Pup1 and the others
- Ectopic expression of an ABA receptor, which functions specifically under high ABA concentrations, enhances drought tolerance in rice
- Potyviral CP-interacting proteins facilitate potato virus X infectivity by interacting with viral protein and RNAs.
- Identification of a gene critical for the germ cell migration after pollen mitosis I in Arabidopsis
- Comparative gene expression analysis of seed development in waxy and dent maize (Zea mays)
- Overexpression of auxin biosynthetic enzyme YUCCA6 enhances multiple abiotic stress tolerances in arabidopsis
- Progress and challenges of tree breeding in South Korea
- Evaluating the major agrinomic characters of four forage crops at Saemangeum-reclaimed land of Jellabuk-do Province
- Diversity of chloroplast genome and development of SSR markers for breeding of Peucedanum japonicum
- Physiological and biochemical conditions for discrimination between haploid and diploid maize kernels
- The SNP-based molecular diversity analysis of sesame genotypes and characterization of susceptible and resistant lines to Phytophthora nicotianae
- 도복에 강한 다수성 흑향미 ‘드림흑향찰’
- Transcriptional network regualtion of BES1/BZR1-TPL-HDA19 in Brassinosteroid signaling pathway
- Characterization of BSP protein family from Triticum aestivum L. and its expression under the high temperature
- The development of transgenic rice pool over-expressing full length genes related to stress response in Oryza sativa
- A rice B-box protein, OsBBX14, finely regulates anthocyanin biosynthesis in rice
- GWAS and eQTL on preharvest sprouting characteristics of Asian cultivated rice
- Evaluation of anaerobic germinability and relative expression analysis of anaerobic-responsive genes in rice germplasm
- 튀김부피 및 수량성이 높은 팝콘용 옥수수 신품종 ‘기찬팝콘’
- Search for clues to delaying tomato fruit ripening by sound wave through transcriptome analysis
- Comparison of the irradiation effects between proton beams and gamma rays on M1 seeds and seedling growth in rice for mutation breeding
- Construction of a Linkage map and mapping of QTLs related to agronomic traits in DH population of maize using simple sequence repeat markers
- Current status and its prospects of rice breeding in China
- 콩 탈립성 연관 SNP마커를 활용한 내탈립성 계통선발
- Brassinosteroids-controlled local auxin homeostasis is essential for xylem differentiation and wood formation in tomato
- Development of drought tolerant temperate rice varieties utilizing Pup1 and drought QTLs
- Seed coat color segregation of an F3 (Yellow x Deep Purple), genetic analysis and temperature effects in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
- Development of “Miscold“, a new cold-tolerant Miscanthus variety
- A genome-wide association study of biomass productivity in core collection of Miscanthus
- A N molecular sensor system: a breeding technique for development of high NUE rice under low N conditions
- The function of the alpha 1,3-fucosyltransferase gene on anther and pollen development in rice (Oryza sativa)
- LegCompara: A bioinformatic module for comparative analysis of legume genomes
- 글로벌 농업생명공학 기술 및 활용 정보공유 시스템 구축
- 신규 유전자원을 이용한 고추 탄저병저항성 분자표지 개발 및 국내외 품종육성 과제 진도 보고
- Development of transgenic alfalfa having increased biomass and reduced lignin content
- 인델 빅데이터를 기반으로 한 자연변이 벼 품종 활용기술 개발
- Genome plasticity affects bacterial virulence in Burkholderia glumae.
- Development of humanized rice cell lines for recombinant protein production in plants
- Development of hybrid-synthetic promoters responding to abiotic stress
- LegExpress: A translational bioinformatic platform for transcriptome analysis of the legumes
- Taraxacum kok-saghyz에서 메탄올의 옆면 살포에 의한 천연고무 생산량 변화
- 농업생명공학연구단 벼 자원 및 생명정보 중장기 보존과 검정 사업
- CHIP1 mediates chloroplast anchoring via protein-protein interaction with CHUP1
- Contents
- Identification, classification, and expression analysis of the receptor-like protein family in tomato
- 복합내병 다수성 조생종 벼 ‘아이에스592비비(IS592BB)’
- Effect of salt stress on germination and seedling growth in soybean
- 애기장대 유래 비생물학적 스트레스 저항성 유전자들을 이용한 고온 저항성 벼 형질전환체 육성
- TRAP markers can be used to determine mutation frequencies induced by gamma radiation in faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
- Study about gene flow and stability assessment in GM rice
- Evaluation of role of charismata mutase in aromatic amino acid and secondary metabolites biosynthesis by using yeast functional expression system
- Isoegomaketone-related genes revealed by RNA-Seq in mutant cultivar of Perilla frutescens var. crispa
- Application of TRAP markers to genetic diversity and relationship in soybean mutant lines
- 찰옥수수 출사후 일수에 따른 지방산 조성 및 Phytosterol 함량 변화
- Development of wheat transformation methods by advanced particle bombardment in a Korean wheat cultivars “Keumkang”
- Transcriptome analysis using Iso-Seq provides a comprehensive view of fruit development in Schisandra chinensis
- Comprehensive transcriptome analysis of Ligularia fischeri to identify isoforms and biosynthesis genes associated with medicinal components
- Comparison of assembly protocol for Brassica rapa genome
- 유전체편집 기술 활용 Glucoraphanin 고함량 브로콜리 계통 육성
- 기능성 두유 제품 생산을 위한 “약선콩” 관능 평가
- Comparative analysis of synteny between plants to improve the quality of a genome sequences which is a base of modern breeding technologies
- Construction of linkage maps in octoploid strawberry based on SNPs discovered by GBS method
- Assessment of potential environmental risks of transgene flow in smallholder farming systems in Asia: Brassica napus as a case study in Korea
- A study of allelic diversity underlying flowering-time adaptation in soybean cultivars using a variation block analysis
- Regulation of chloroplast development by alternative splicing
- Systemic network analysis to gain candidate genes regulating seed storage proteins in rice
- EMF1 acts as a transcriptional repressor of VIN3, a gene required for sensing long-term winter cold for flowering
- Analysis of Anthocyanins, Chlorophyll and Carotenoid compounds during Seed Development in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
- Anti-osteoporosis effect of T99 soybean with high isoflavone content
- Characterizing substrate specificity of guanosine deaminase from Arabidopsis thaliana
- Transcriptome analysis of pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) in Korean wheat (Triticum aestivum)
- 농업생명공학연구단 도출 생명공학작물 개발성과 분석 및 가치증대 활용방안 연구
- RNAi 기법을 이용한 응애 저항성 생명공학 배추의 개발
- Soybean production and breeding in Vietnam
- 중국 지역적응 이벤트 개발 및 활용을 위한 GM작물 개발
- 더뎅이병 저항성 신품종 감자 ‘탐나’ 육성
- QTL analysis of irregular cracking in soybean seed coats
- Genome-wide SNP selection associated with protein and oil content in core collection of wild soybean using the elastic-net method
- Physiological and molecular evaluation of Cheongho Byeo for salinity tolerance at the seedling stage
- Genetic diversity in 3,475 rice accessions of the Oryza genus
- 콩의 성숙조절 관련 유용 유전자 선발 및 발현특성 분석
- 반매끈망, 사일리지 품질이 우수한 청보리 신품종 ‘연호’
- Characterization of mutants related to trichome morphology in tomato
- 부본용 완전단감 ‘단연 09-12-1’ 육성
- New genome wide SSR markers using high-throughput sequencing in button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus)
- Genome-wide analysis of long non-coding RNAs in radish (Raphanus sativus)
- 고품질 기계화 적응성 수수 신품종 “황금찰수수 2호”
- 영상을 활용한 호접란 형태 및 색상 분석방법 개발
- An ERF family gene, OsTF1, plays functional roles in the control of plant growth and grain size in rice
- MAB를 이용한 운광벼 줄무늬잎마름병 근동질 계통 육성
- Characterization and Isolation of a spotted leaf sheath Mutant with Early Senescence Involved in Defense Response in Rice
- 내염성 증진 사료용 벼 교배계통의 Saltol 유전자간 상관 관계 분석
- 현사시나무에서 AN1/A20 zinc finger family 유전자의 분리 및 내염ㆍ내건 특성 구명
- 벼 정조 저장 중 저장조건이 도정특성 변화에 미치는 영향
- Physicochemical properties and eating quality of cooked rice in low amylose content under freezing storage
- Molecular footprints of adaptation and high flavonol content in tartary buckwheat revealed by a draft genome analysis
- A blue single freesia (Freesia hybrida Hort.) ‘Blue Angel’
- Identification of a new Sg-9 gene responsible for the DDMP-saponin biosynthesis in soybean
- Two circadian rhythm regulators, CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED 1 (CCA1) and LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY) recognize long-term cold to induce VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3 (VIN3) for flowering in Arabidopsis
- The Effects of Keunnunjami embryo on lipid meta metabolism
- 생명공학(GM)기술에 대한 소통 거버넌스(협치) 전략
- Functional analysis of Oryza sativa LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (OsLHY) in controlling of seed development in rice
- Manipulation of plant autophagy Atg8 by pathogen effector PopP2
- Development of α-linolenic acid-increased soybean by the overexpression of PfFAD3-1 gene
- Analysis of agronomic traits using plant phenomics in rice
- Flower color modification through reconstruction of flavonoid biosynthetic pathway
- Overexpression of Brassica rapa GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR genes in B. napus increases organ size by enhancing cell proliferation
- Genetic analysis of bakanae disease resistance of Samgwangbyeo
- Screening sorghum varieties for salt tolerance
- Construction of genetic map by EST-SSR markers and QTL analysis of major agronomic characters in hexaploid oat (Avena sativa L.)
- Post-translational modifications of E3 SUMO ligase AtSIZ1 are specifically regulated by heat and drought stresses
- 추위에 강한 사일리지용 귀리 신품종 ‘신한’
- 국내 육성 벼 품종과 수입쌀 판별을 위한 분자마커 세트 개발
- SAP11 유전자 조절에 따른 현사시나무의 가지분화 특성 구명
- 식량작물 유전체 정보이용 분자표지 포털
- Discovery of trait-associated omic-markers in Korean chestnut species
- A genome wide association study of seed protein and oil in soybean
- Identification of biomass improved gibberellin biosynthesis related gene in rice
- 국내 육성 종실용 옥수수의 밀식적응성 평가
- OsMDHAR3 gene affects salt stress tolerance and grain yield under natural field conditions
- 다수성 사료용 옥수수 신품종 ‘다청옥’의 생육특성 및 수량성
- SNP(Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) 마커를 이용한 국내 주요 재배 감자 품종의 유전 집단 분석 및 품종 구분
- 분질성으로 맛이 좋은 감자 품종 ‘다미’ 육성
- 농업생명공학연구사업 성과확산을 위한 사업화 인프라 구축 및 성공사례 도출
- 시데로포아를 대량생산하는 형질전환 양송이 구축
- Rapid identification of HMW-GS in common wheat varieties by MALDI-TOF-MS
- The chloroplast genomes are variable in Prunus yedoensis
- Strategic approaches to the development of β-carotene-enriched transgenic rice as GMO Events
- 중생종 대립향찰벼 “고향찰”의 질소시비량에 따른 생육 및 수량성 평가
- 중앙아시아 씨감자시장 진출을 위한 기반조성 성과
- Enrichment of Brassica Vegetables’ genepool for secondary metabolites and disease resistance through wide-hybridization
- 적립계 조숙 다수성 국수용 밀 ‘조중’
- Classification of Aegilops genus based on pollen morphology
- Characteristic analysis of the CaCPR1 gene as a class of key enzyme that promote P450 enzyme reactions which related with productivity
- Investigation of bacterial wilt pathogen effector diversity and interactions with host plants
- 초분광영상 분석을 통한 편백 종자의 비파괴선별 검증
- Genome-wide association analysis of flowering time genes with nested association mapping(NAM) population in soybean
- 옥수수에서 유전자 전달기술 확립 및 효율 증진 연구
- Identification of gene for gametophytic development in Arabidopsis
- Development of late flowering chinese cabbage using CRISPR system
- Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK)-related genes that increase cadmium contents in rice
- OsSTK1enhances the intrinsic GTPase activity of OsNug2 through binding and phosphorylating its serine 209
- Protein sequence to vector strategy for ML application on proteins
- Redesign of starch biosynthetic pathway in rice by genome editing toward human diets
- Development of SNP markers tightly linked to two QTLs responsible for bacterial wilt resistance in tomato
- Biochemical analysis of the role of leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases and the carboxy-terminus of receptor kinases in regulating kinase activity in arabidopsis thaliana and brassica oleracea
- Utilization of Mutator transposable elements for waxy and common maize breeding program
- 글로벌화 가능 신규 재해내성과 수량성 증대 유전자 개발
- Association between sequence variants in panicle development genes and the number of spikelets per panicle in rice
- 농업애로사항 해결용 유용 생명공학 배추 선발을 위한 농업 형질의 실질적 동등성 분석
- Identification of a novel seed specific glycine rich protein Dor1, which regulates seed dormancy in rice
- Establishing plant viruses as tools to bioengineer corn, soybean, barley and important vegetable crops
- Genome-wide identification and transcriptional co-regulation analysis of receptor-like protein genes in pepper (Capsicum annuum)
- Identification of expression levels of arsenic-related genes and genome-wide transcriptome profiling of genes associated with arsenic in arsenic-tolerant rice mutant
- Dynamic effects of silicon in crops under abiotic stress conditions
- Current Research & Development of Biotech Crops
- Databases for metabolomics-assisted life science
- GM콩과 교잡종간의 판별 성분 검출법 개발
- Surfing the web of plant innate immunity: from recognition to engineering
- Comparative transcriptome analysis identified candidate genes involved in browning of mycelium in Lentinula edodes
- Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry-based on metabolome analysis in tomato germplasms
- 인공지능 딥러닝 기반 토마토 과실 생중량 및 부피 예측 모델링
- Metabolic regulation for high production of syringin in Arabidopsis thaliana
- MULTISEEDED affects sorghum grain yield regulating at pedicellate spikelet fertility
- 배가 반수체(Doubled Haploid) 기술에 의한 국내 옥수수 육종체계 변화
- 공동심포지엄 주요일정, 분과발표, 사업단발표
- A study of the role of INFLORESCENCE DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION gene expression in tomato
- 수량 많고 꼬투리 터짐에 강한 녹자엽 검정콩 ‘청자5호’
- The haplotype diversity of pivotal genes across 475 Korean rice core sets in a vitamin E biosynthesis pathway provided in the rice reactome database
- Identification of candidate genes conferring resistance to foxglove aphid in soybean
- Investigation of the in vitro effects of total extracts from pepper on amyloid production and aggregation
- 일경일화 복륜 복색 향 춘란 ‘색동이’
- Vernalization-related genes regulate development of wheat spike primordium
- Changes of germination rate on seed germplasm of maize, sorghum, and cowpea after long-term conservation
- 국내 귀리 탈부특성에 따른 품질연관성 분석
- Population genetic structure and genetic diversity of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) collections
- Elucidation of senescence mechanism with T-DNA insertional mutant ck40 in rice
- 기능성 GM콩의 알레르기성 평가기술 개발
- 헛개나무(Hovenia dulcis Thunb.) microsatellite 표지 개발 및 유전변이 분석
- 눈과 입이 즐거운 레몬 신품종 ‘미니몬’
- Bx7 유전자와 밀의 단백질 함량 간의 상관관계 분석
- Diversity of chloroplast genome of Cynanchum wilfordii and development of species unique KASP markers for authentication of C.wilfordii and C. auriculatum
- Marker association analysis to improve tiller number in Korean wheats for wheat breeding
- “YR29169”, A mid-maturing japonica rice elite line in tropical regions
- Development of CAPS marker for identification of Lentinula edodes cultivars Sanmaru 1ho and Sanmaru 2ho
- Haplotype analyze of the BADH1 gene and their association with salt tolerance in Rice
- Development and validation of kompetitive allele specific PCR (KASP) assay in Rubus mutant genotypes
- Seed starch improvement in legumes: recent advances and applicability
- Seralini’s 2012 publication on long term animal study of GMO corn and its effect on the GMO risk communication in Korea
- Molecular characterization of transgenic plants using Next Generation Sequencing and confirmation of insert in breeding combined trait products using sequencing analysis
- Genetic mapping and characterization of a stunted growth mutant in rice
- Korean soybean (Glycine max) core collection: Identification of genetic diversity, morphological traits, population structure, and genome-wide association study by Axiom 180k SoyaSNP Genotyping Array
- The development of biotic stress resistance plant using Hot pepper NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase 2 (CaCPR2)
- The change of ABA responsiveness through hydrophobic environments in the VxGΦL motif of PP2Cs in Oryza sativa
- 가공용 초다수성 복합내병성 벼 신품종 “금강1호”
- 보람찬과 Pecos 유래 재조합자식계통의 농업형질 특성
- Phylogenetic analysis of 22 Vigna species using chloroplast RNA-sequencing data
- 실생 초기세대 육성 방법에 따른 감자 계통 선발 효율 분석
- Selection of indica rice line of high yield potential adaptable to tropical Southeast Asia
- 덩굴쪼김병 및 흰가루병 저항성 멜론대목 ‘뚝심’ 육성
- Roles of OsWRKY67 in basal and XA21-mediated resistance in rice
- Molecular mapping of Chili veinal mottle virus resistance genes in pepper using two different approaches
- New BB resistance gene confirmation by QTL fine mapping using 7K SNP-chip in bi-parental population
- Characterization of a new mutant affecting trichome development in tomato
- Development of DNA markers for Slmlo1.1, a new mutant allele of the powdery mildew resistance gene SlMlo1 in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
- Overexpression of a member of OsDREB1subfamily, OsDREB1H confers cold stress tolerance in rice
- Distribution of gene-based polymorphisms in tropical maize by using RNA sequencing
- Genome-wide analysis of auxin efflux carrier protein family in rice reveals the close association with nitrogen stress response
- Differential protein expressions of soybean leaves under waterlogging stress at early vegetative stage
- Responses of leaf proteins in Azuki bean at early vegetative and reproductive stage to waterlogging stress
- Variation block browser for functional crops
- Characterization of complete chloroplast genomes of Kalopanax septemlobus and Zanthoxylum ailanthoides
- Identification of SNP related to leaf-angle traits using a genome-wide association study in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- Induced coiled branch (cbr) mutant in Arabidopsis by overexpression of a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase gene
- Identification and application of genome-wide SNPs using genotyping by sequencing (GBS) of 119 Panax ginseng accessions
- 설갱벼의 분상질 유전자 flo14(t)에 관한 유전분석 및 유전자 지도 작성
- 메밀 유전자원 재배시기별 생육특성 및 플라보노이드 함량 비교
- A novel RING type E3 ligase, CaASRF1, positively regulates drought tolerance via modulation of CaAIBZ1 stability in Capsicum annuum
- Effector-assisted breeding methodology for bacterial wilt resistance in pepper
- PAPs-mediated chloroplast development in rice
- Development of performing new forms of rice (Oryza sativa L.) related to yield and ecology through SNDH population (Double Haploid) by using QTL analysis
- 농업생명공학 분야 과학정보 포털 서비스 구축 연구
- Carotenoid metabolic engineering via the polycistronic expression using viral 2A sequences and codon-optimized carotenogenic genes in rice endosperm
- Compositional analysis of hot pepper cultivars cultivated in the different locations and the natural variations by the evironmental factors
- 교배종 제초제내성 GM 잔디의 육성 및 환경위해성평가
- Development InDel molecular markers for distinguishing between Korean cymbidium and Chinese cymbidium
- Development and prevalence of molecular markers for the improvement of horticultural crops
- Dynamics of small RNAome in Arabidopsis thaliana during breaking seed dormancy
- 반응표면분석을 이용한 낙엽송 종자의 저장기간별 최적 저장조건 구명
- A DEAD-box RNA helicase, RH8, is critical for regulation of ABA signaling and the drought stress response via inhibition of PP2CA activity
- Haplotype diversity of GBSSI in 475 accessions of rice genetic resources
- 식물생체정보 센서를 활용한 토마토 풋마름병 증상 분석
- Big data based systems and synthetic agrobiotechnology toward crop improvement
- 기능성 벼 품종 육성 현황 및 활용
- Overexpression of BrTST53 Gene improves tolerance of rice plant to salt stress
- Genetic and MutMap analysis of dense green leaf mutant lines of rice
- Genomic structure and genome wide association study for seed weight using Korean soybean landrace and cultivar
- 백립계 찰밀 취반용 밀 ‘백찰’
- Bioinformatics applications in horticultural crops using conventional tools and methodologies for crop improvement
- [삭제] Plastidal ribosomal protein caused albino, seedling death phenotype in rice
- 사료가치가 우수한 중만생 고바이오매스 복합내병충성 보유 내도복 사료용 벼 ‘미우’
- 쌀 도정특성 및 입형과 연관된 양적형질 분석
- Analysis of salt-tolerant by M2 generation EMS variation-induced maize inbred lines
- Study of gene expression and interacting proteins of wheat MAP Kinase family under cold treatment
- Establishing plant viruses as tools to bioengineer corn, soybean, barley and important vegetable crops
- Using natural variation and CRISPR to understand and improve the plant immune system
- In vitro clonal propagation and cryopreservation of Korean Arbor-vitae (Thuja koraiensis Nakai) via somatic embryogenesis
- Genetic relationship of tropical region-bred temperate japonica rice plants and their grain yield variations in three different tropical environments
- 군집소수를 가진 고착립밀도 이삭형 벼 개발 및 특성분석
- Distribution of α-tocopherol content in the Korean landrace black soybean
- 국내 잡초벼 유전적 배경의 고양식미 우량계통 육성
- Solidity와 클러스터링을 이용한 특이형태 콩 종자의 검출
- Analysis of physiological response and protein expression in Korean F1 maize hybrids at flowering stage under water deficit stress
- Variation in early plant height in wild and cultivated soybean (Ⅰ)
- Screening of drought- and flood-tolerant soybeans in core populations and EMS-treated ‘Pungsannamul’ mutant population
- Functional characterization of SlP450-72 gene from tomato through in vivo and in vitro
- Compositional analysis of wheat LMW-GS using aroona near-isogenic lines and a set of standard cultivars by 2-DGE, MS/MS and RP-HPLC
- Marker association analysis to improve tiller number in double haploid population for wheat breeding
- miRNAome analysis in flood-tolerant soybean Cheongja-3
- Genome-wide identification of RLK and RLP gene family inradish (Raphanus sativus L.)
- Development of kompetitive allele specific PCR (KASP) markers in Dendrobium genotypes derived from mutation breeding
- A pink double freesia (Freesia hybrida Hort.) ‘Pink Bubble’
- Distribution of capsaicinoid contents in pepper core collection understanding genetic association
- 국회의원의 GM기술 및 GMO에 대한 인식변화 추이
- Plant pathogen effectors suppresses reactive oxygen species signaling networks in plants
- Study on OsGT1 (Oryza sativa Grassy Tiller1) determining branching in rice
- Identification of structural and regulatory genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis that confers the flower color of chrysanthemum
- Optimization of TRV mediated CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in Tomato
- 농업생명공학에 대한 효율적 정보제공 프로그램 개발
- Identification of key plastidic phosphoglucomutase and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase isoforms essential for successful fertilization in rice
- Light inhibits COP1-mediated degradation of ICE transcription factors to induce stomatal development in Arabidopsis
- PCR을 이용한 유전자변형 토마토 검출 방법 개발
- 의약소재 당대사 개선용 형질전환 벼 특성 및 효능평가
- Production of recombinant brazzein proteins, a new type of alterative sweeter in transgenic rice
- High expression of recombinant proteins in Arabidopsis protoplasts by using Gal4/UAS gene expression system and PTGS suppressor
- Late embryogenesis abundant protein, CaLEA5, positively regulates the drought tolerance and ABA signaling in Capsicum annuum
- QTL and GWAS Analysis of Phytophthora Resistance in Capsicum
- Resistance of transgenic rice events (rbcS:cry1Ac) against three lepidopteran rice pests
- 칼라 찰옥수수 개발을 위한 다양한 색 여교잡 계통 육성
- Development of Tos17 insertion mutants from Korean domestic rice cultivars
- Modification of seed colors via LDOX gene editing by CRISPR/Cas9 system in rice
- A comparative synteny analysis tool for target-gene SNP marker discovery: connecting genomics data to breeding in Solanaceae
- Stable expression of brazzein protein with alternative sweetener in rice cell lines
- Isolation and validation of a candidate Rsv3 gene from a soybean genotype that confers strain-specific resistance to soybean mosaic virus
- A genomics approach to understand the genetic complexity of genomic regions harboring the prolamin gene loci in hexaploid wheat
- Development and characterization of japonica rice line with long and spindle-shaped grain
- 양송이 버섯에서 개발된 새로운 SSR 마커
- 더뎅이병에 강한 2기작감자 ‘수선’ 육성
- Using genotyping-by-sequencing for revealing genetic relationship and diversity of sesame genotypes (Sesamum indicum L.) with black and white Seed Coat
- Detected candidate gene related mesocotyl elongation using GWAS and haplotype analysis
- 병에 강하고 기계수확이 가능한 두부용 콩 ‘평원’
- Sequence-based genotyping for marker discovery in Lettuce(Lactuca sativa L.) using GBS technology
- 춘파밀 육성을 위한 유전자원 및 품종의 춘파재배 적응성 분석
- Evolutionary studies on cultivated and wild rice using chloroplast genome sequencing
- The influence of modifiers genes on the stability of self-incompatibility and genetic architecture of Heterostyly and Homostyly in Buckwheat
- Isolation and identification of the fungal leaf pathogens of mungbean (Vigna radiata (l.) R. Wilczek) leaf spot disease
- Whole genome sequencing revealed a novel fragrance allele and development functional SNP marker for breeding of fragrant rice
- Selection of novel source of rice stripe virus resistance
- Enhancement of soybean drought tolerance by genetic transformation
- Soybean NAC transcription factors promote the lateral root formation and enhance drought and salt stress tolerance in overexpressed transgenic Arabidopsis plants
- 유묘기 습해처리에 따른 테오신트의 생체량, SPAD 변화 및 유전자 발현 양상
- Marker development of the genes/QTLs related to biotic and abiotic stress tolerances
- Anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity in several varieties of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench
- 시스템합성농생명공학연구사업 성과활용과 확산을 위한 실용화 추진 연구
- A WUSCHEL homeobox transcription factor, OsWOX13, enhances drought tolerance and triggers early flowering in rice
- Analysis of transferability of kenaf EST-SSR marker to other Hibiscus genus and their use in studying genetic diversity
- 콩 조직배양 callus에서 isoflavone 축적 확인
- 고추 Pun1 homologs 들과 매운맛과의 분자생물학적 연구
- 야생벼 수량안정성 유전자 분리 및 품종 개발
- Detection of SNPs among 13 Korean japonica rice varieties using genome sequencing data for SNP marker development
- Characterization of the microtubule-associated RING finger protein 2 (OsMAR2), acts as a negative regulator in responses to salt stress in Arabidopsis
- 벼 분자육종에서 KASP 마커의 활용
- Ubiquitin-specific protease, CaDUB1, positively regulates ABA signaling and drought tolerance in Capsicum annuum
- 화장품 소재 단백질 생산용 형질전환 콩의 농업환경 생물종 위해성 평가 기술 개발
- GM콩 재배와 교잡종에 의한 곤충상 영향평가 개발 및 지침서 작성
- 식물표현체 기술을 이용한 벼의 생육 및 건조 형질 분석
- Comparative composition of genetically modified soybeans conferring herbicide tolerance and cosmeceutical protein production
- Molecular breeding of vegetable crops for optimization of photosynthetic ability in light-controlled plant cultivation system
- Development of a new S locus haplotyping system based on three tightly linked genes in the S locus controlling self-incompatibility in radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
- Arabidopsis NAC103 transcription factor is involved in the DNA damage response in sog1 mutant
- Morphological characteristic of seed traits among the Vicia species
- 밀 핵심집단 구축을 위한 유전자원 특성조사
- 두과작물 유전체예측 및 오믹스 오픈소스플랫폼 개발 및 활용
- Effecs of different seeding methods on growth and yield of wheat
- 자근 발생 감귤류의 조기 판별를 위한 SCAR마커의 개발
- Antioxidant activity of Korean black soybean (Glycine max. L.) landraces
- Application of AFLP and CAPS markers to screen somaclonal variations among diploid and autotetraploids of small watermelons
- Genome-wide identification and characterization of bZIP transcription factor gene family in mungbean (Vigna radiata (l.) R. Wilczek)
- Transcriptome dynamics of cysteine protease-mediated response against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae race K3a in rice
- RNA-Seq transcriptome analysis of rice root genes in response to water deficiencies
- NO news is good news for plants - investigation of plant defense system under nitrosative stress and its application to crop
- Probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 4 (APX4-P) controls flowering time and antioxidant activity in rice
- Quantification of ingested plant subcellular fractions and dsRNA by Frankliniella occidentalis for the establishment of RNAi-based control system
- Selection of New Soybean Strain with ti and rs2 recessive allele
- 분자마커를 활용한 베타카로틴 고함유 옥수수 계통 선발
- Genetic analysis of Purple pericarp (Prp) and Purple Leaf (Pl) traits of rice
- Maturation rate of inflorescence stem determines the direction of stem growth in Solanaceae
- 채종원산 소나무의 소나무재선충병 감수성 변이
- 국가 농업유전자원(IT자원)의 활용현황 분석
- 식물표현체 기술을 이용한 벼 생육과정 이미지 및 색상변화 분석
- Development of candidate DNA markers for 833K rice integrated DNA array
- Evaluation of gene flow from Bt transgenic rice to non-GM rice
- [삭제] Development of molecular markers for discrimination between Ligularia fischeri and Caltha palustris using real-time PCR assay
- 사포닌 생합성 벼의 우수라인 육성
- Optimization of virus induced gene silencing in different petunia cultivars using pepper phytoene desaturase (PDS) gene
- Comparative analysis on transcriptome and metabolome between insect-resistant wild potato S. berthaultii and insect-susceptible potato S. tuberosum cv. “Sumi” to identify genes involved in insect-resistance
- Early stage assessment of sesame genotypes from worldwide collection for agro-morphological traits and genetic diversity
- 쓰러짐에 강하고 기능성이 우수한 담적색 신품종 팥 ‘홍다’
- Characterization and cytomorphology of F1 and F2 hybrid between transgenic Brassica napus and B. rapa
- 국내 자포니카 벼 품종의 대용량 자동화 유전자형 분석을 위한 KASP 분자표지 제작 및 검증
- 광안콩 올레산 ?t량을 조절하는 QTL mapping
- Productivity abilities of seed and cone in mating design conditions of Pinus densiflora for. multucaulis
- The Inquieta gene encoding a subunit of actin filament regulates trichome development in toamto
- Biological responses of cowpea plants after gamma-ray and proton-beam irradiation
- Fine mapping and identification of candidate genes associated with low-temperature germinability using derived from a cross between Oryza sativa and Oryza rufipogon
- Development of New Soybean Strain with Large Seed Size and ti and lox recessive allele
- Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Korean rice varieties as revealed by SSR markers
- Development of a DNA barcode database for scientific authentication of raw materials for food safety: Current status and recent progress
- 유색밀 ‘아리흑’의 색소 특성 및 영양성분 분석
- Functional properties of an alternative, tissue-specific promoter for rice NADPH-dependent dihydroflavonol reductase
- The bean pod mottle virus silencing vector triggers acute response in Rsv resistance gene carrying soybean cultivars.
- QTL analysis with optical coherence tomography data to bacterial leaf blight in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- Gravistimulation on different orientations changes the accumulation pattern of OsPIN genes encoding auxin efflux facilitator in the endodermis of transition zone in Oryza sativa seedlings
- Development of transgenic rice producing dammarenediol-II of ginseng
- Epigenetic regulation-mediated drought tolerance in rice
- Comparative study of antinutrient compounds in different Korean soybean varieties
- Production of dammarenediol-II and protopanaxadiol in transgenic rice overexpressing Panax ginseng dammarenediol-II synthase gene
- Development of efficient plant regeneration systems in chrysanthemum ‘Ohblang’ and ‘Baekgang’
- Establishment of double-haploid breeding system to produce Korean wheat lines with extra-strong gluten and wheat-Leymus addition lines
- Detection of the disease resistance genes using GWAS in grape vine
- 최고품질 중만생 복합내병성 벼 ‘예찬’
- Differential expression analysis of RNA-seq with repect to capsaicinoid biosynthesis in the pericarp tissue of Capsisum chinense
- Crop conventional breeding: Achievements and outlook
- Optimization of plant expression vector for tomato transformation
- High-throughput SNP discovery by transcriptome sequencing to enhance the genomics-assisted breeding in Radish inbred lines
- 백립계 답리작 적응 빵용 밀 ‘백강’
- 콩 들불병원균의 유전적 다양성 분석용 마커 개발
- TGIL: An integrative bioinformatic platform for genomics-assisted breeding
- 최근 농업연구 동향 및 엘지화학의 ag-biotechnology에 대한 비전
- Variety discrimination of ‘Fuji’ and its somatic mutation cultivar by InDel and AS-PCR primer using re-sequencing
- 국내 개발 고유 유전자의 형질전환체 분석을 통한 글로벌 시장용 벼 이벤트 선발 및 육성
- GM콩과 근연종의 교잡종 개발 및 환경 모니터링 분석
- Chromosomal karyotype with simple sequence repeats by fluorescence in situ hybridization in Korean wheat
- 건식 쌀가루 전용 연질ㆍ둥근형 전분 ‘미시루’의 농업적 특성
- Adaptability and clonal selection of poplar clones to combat desertification in arid aria of mongolia
- 야생감초의 새로운 SSR marker 개발
- Basic helix-loop-helix 전사인자에 의한 현사시나무 유전자 발현 및 직경 생장 특성 구명
- Identification of MRFs as an unusual type of translation regulators that are involved in plant mRNA translation under low energy conditions
- Functional characterization of chloroplast-targeted RbgA GTPase in higher plants
- The rice Rolled fine striped encodes CHD3/Mi-2 chromatin remodeling factor and is involved in scavenging reactive oxygen species during leaf development
- Functional analysis of Oryza sativa Cryptochrome-Interacting Basic-Helix- Loop-Helix1 (OsCIB1) in controlling of leaf angle and grain size in rice
- 작물 표현형 분석을 위한 IR 카메라의 정밀 자세 추정 방법
- Functional analysis of plant transcription factor related to disease resistance
- Proteome analysis of sesame leaves under waterlogging stress at an early vegetative stage
- [삭제] Increasing cold tolerance of transgenic Zoysia japonica by overexpression of a MYC type transcription factor ZjICE1
- Development and Characterization of japonica Rice with Diverse Panicle and Grain Shape
- Overexpression of PsGPD from Pleurotus sajor-caju enhances tolerance to salt stress in rice
- Variation in early plant height in wild and cultivated soybean (Ⅱ)
- Compositional variability in diverse maize hybrids (Literature review)
- Polymorphic analysis of chloroplast genomes and 45S nrDNAs reveals genetic diversity of Perilla species
- Gene expression analysis varying apple peel color and pattern between ‘Fuji’ and ‘Benishogun’
- Development of web-based database for phenotype data management
- Homeobox transcription factor OsZHD2 promotes lateral root growth in rice by inducing ethylene and auxin biosynthesis
- Genome information mediating discovery of useful rice genes for enhanced nutrient use efficiencies and the functional identification.
- 벼 담수 직파 재배 적응 품종 개발을 위한 혐기발아 관련 특성 연구
- Identification and functional analysis of ASR genes under drought stress in Brachypodium distachyon L.
- 콩 핵심집단 종자 표현형 분석을 위한 데이터 생성 및 전처리 기법
- CEPR1 receptor kinase and gene expression in regulating carbon/nitrogen balance in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Transcriptome analysis and development of EST-SSR markers from Codonopsis lanceolata
- 식물분자육종사업단 연구개발 성과물의 실용화 추진 연구
- Development of infectious clones of Tomato yellow leaf curl Kanchanaburi virus (TYLCKaV) and Pepper yellow leaf curl Thailand virus (PYLCTHV)
- CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis in Petunia × hybrida protoplast system for Modification of Flower Color
- Screening and functional analysis of rice transcription factors involved in abiotic stress tolerance
- 밥맛이 매우 우수한 중만생종 벼 ‘새칠보’ 육성
- A new early maturing and high yielding vegetable peanut variety “Sewon”
- 기상요인이 리기다소나무와 테에다소나무 그리고 이들 수종의 종간 잡종인 리기테다소나무의 춘추재 형성에 미치는 영향
- Haplotype diversity of the rice bacterial blight resistance gene in 475 accessions of rice genetic resources
- Nitric oxide increases ginsenosides accumulation by lactic acid bacteria elicitors in adventitious root cultures of Panax ginseng
- Identification of OsRF1, a salt-responsive RING zinc-finger-encoding gene, conferring drought and salt tolerance in rice
- Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae triggers transcriptional activation of diverse defense-related genes in rice
- Ortholog gene of OsHCI1, Sorghum bicolor heat-induced RING finger E3 ligase
- Identification and marker development of Cucumber’s chilling tolerance related genes by Next Generation Sequencing
- Analysis of QTL interaction for low-temperature germinability using progenies derived from an interspecific cross in rice
- User-friendly common platform using genotype, phenotype and chemotype for managing tartary buckwheat genetic resources
- The effect of the chemical components and glyoxylate cycle-related gene expression on sprouting speed of soybean seed
- Identification of QTLs associate with flowering time using a GBS-SNP-based high-density map in Perilla
- Inheritance of fertility restoration of male-sterility conferred by cytotype y and identification of instability of male fertility phenotypes in onion (Allium cepa L.)
- Characterization of complete chloroplast genomes of Adenophora triphylla and Codonopsis lanceolata
- Understanding the sensory characteristics of aromatic rice breeding line using an electronic nose
- Comparison of agricultural and physicochemical traits from tropical and subtropical legume crops
- MBW complex mediates the transcriptional regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in rice
- Expression of F-box proteins and their interacting proteins in wheat grain development
- Overexpression of IbMYB1a gene in soybean increased high content of anthocyanin
- Anti-oxidant, phenolic/flavonoid compounds, anti-elastase and anti-collagenase activities of extracts from Citrus unshiu at various stages of fruit development and tissues
- The complete chloroplast genomes of six Ipomoea species and indel marker development for the discrimination of authentic pharbitidis semen (seeds of I.nil or I. purpurea)
- A Comparison of two de novo GBS pipelines for a large genome
- Comparison of sesame seed qualities grown in field and in the greenhouse
- Characterization of volatiles and phytonutrients in grains of advanced breeding lines to develop a new fragrant rice variety with superior nutritional value
- Investigation of alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity in different pepper cultivars (Capsicum annuum L.)
- 고추 잎에서 AGI(a-glucosidase inhibitor) 활성 분석 방법 개선
- Changes in crop productivity induced by new sp mutant alleles
- Plasticity between PTI and ETI through Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay
- Characteristics of plant regenerated through anther culture using GM rice
- The potential targets for improving plant tolerance to drought stress using drought-responsive microRNAs
- 제초제저항성 잔디의 환경모니터링
- 화장품 소재 단백질 생산용 형질전환 콩의 인체위해성 및 잡초화 가능성 평가 방법 개발
- Chemical composition and nutritions properties of soybean cultivars cultivated in the different locations
- 교배종 제초제내성 GM잔디의 분자생물 및 유전학적 특성평가
- Manipulation of inflorescence architecture for tomato productivity
- Function of iron permeases of Fusarium graminearum in pathogenesis
- The complete chloroplast genome of Panicum sumatrense Roth ex Roem. & Schult. using illumina sequencing
- The F-box protein FKF1 inhibits dimerization of COP1 in the control of photoperiodic flowering
- Comparative transcriptome analysis of dwarf and normal soybean obtained from crossing of G. max and G. soja
- Transcriptome analysis of dwarf soybean suggests the association of carbon metabolism with dwarf phenotype
- 곡실사료 및 조사료 겸용 조생 사료용 벼 ‘조농’
- Genome-wide characterization of the Brassica rapa genes encoding serine/arginine (SR)-rich proteins: expression and alternative splicing events by abiotic stresses
- ICRISAT의 유전자원 관리 현황 및 핵심집단 구축
- Ethephon application increased mineral uptake and development of adventitious roots of soybean (Glycine max L) under waterlogging condition
- An ancient regulatory module for tip growth in land plants
- CBF1 overexpression confers heat tolerance in Arabidopsis seedlings
- Plastidal ribosomal protein caused albino, seedling death phenotype in rice
- 카로티노이드를 함유한 노랑찰옥수수 ‘황금맛찰’
- Development of SNP array in single copy genes of Brassica oleraceae for MAB
- 국내 육성 콩 품종의 이소플라본 조성별 함량 변이 분석 및 자원 선발
- Stable recombinant protein expression in pepper using a broad bean wilt virus 2-based vector system
- De novo assembly of complete chloroplast genome from Pinus densiflora using oxford nanopore and illumina MiSeq
- New chloroplast microsatellite markers for identification of Glycyrrhiza species
- 적립계 답리작 적응 수발아와 붉은곰팡이병 저항성 국수용 밀 ‘새금강’
- 농업유전자원센터 자원기탁 절차 및 현황
- 영상 분석 기술을 활용한 호접란의 형태적 특성 분류
- Development and evaluation of clustered resistance gene analogs based markers linked to the resistance locus to Phytophthora capsici in hot Pepper
- 재배안정성과 밥맛이 우수한 조생 최고품질 벼 ‘해들’
- 유전자편집 기반 토마토 웅성불임 변이체 개발 및 활용체계 구축
- New CAPS and HRM markers acquired from the chloroplast genome of wild licorice (Glycyrrhiza lepidota)
- Identifying salt stress response genes during germination stage in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using Genome-wide association study
- GWAS for detecting relative gene to apple blotch disease in apple
- TALEN-based gene editing to produce herbicide-resistance bar knockout rice lines
- Interspecific comparison of Angelica species using chloroplast indel markers developed from Angelica gigas Naki.
- 중만생 내병성 강화 발아현미용 기능성 거대배아미 ‘큰품’
- Genome-wide screening of abiotic stress-responsive long noncoding RNAs in rice
- 교배종 제초제내성 GM 잔디의 주변생태계에 미치는 영향평가
- QTL mapping for agronomic traits by genotyping-by-sequencing in rice
- Comprehensive analysis of R Gene composition in a Ctv locus conferring citrus tristeza virus resistance from the genetic resources of citrus and its relatives
- Evaluation of East Asian oat (Avena sativa L.) genetic resources based on major nutritional ingredients and agricultural traits
- HCRs, anti-crossover proteins restrict crossover number in Arabidopsis
- QTL analysis of yield-related traits using high-resolution genetic map in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- Development of poplar super clones
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- qVDT11, a major QTL that positively regulates tillering in rice under drought stress condition in field
- Genome-wide SNP selection associated with amino acid content in core collection of wild soybean using the elastic-net method
- Development of SNP marker associated with fruit traits using GWAS in apple
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