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의료소년원의 운영현황과 발전방안

이용수 115

Current State of Medical Youth Training Centers & Measures for Development
박찬걸(Park, Chan-Geol)
간행물 정보
『형사정책』刑事政策 第29卷 第3號, 35~66쪽, 전체 32쪽
법학 > 법학

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The main purpose of properly rendering individual treatment to antisocial juveniles might be to strengthen protection of human rights for protected juveniles and enhance the effectiveness of corrective education. For this, the revised Juvenile Act in 2007 added juvenile medical facilities besides hospitals and sanitariums as the institutions for the Subparagraph 7 Disposition and revised Protected Juvenile Act in 2013 made clear the legal grounds for treatment of juveniles requiring medical, rehabilitation education. These came to provide both legality and justification for practices which used to have either ambiguous or no grounds in the existing law. But as a matter of fact, there are still so many legal or institutional shortcomings in our society s path towards complete sorting out problems emerged while operating our country s medical youth training centers. Having that issue in mind, this article firstly looked at the current state of regulations and organizations related with medical youth training centers. And then the study moved to examine the current state of operation focused on foster care period, the state of foster completion, the state of transfer of juveniles requiring medical/rehabilitation treatment, the state by the handicap type, the state by age and gender. The study then examined the current state of actual education, focused on education of newcomers, classification of the target of education. process and organization of concentrated education. Following the solid understanding of the current operational state of medical youth training centers as such, the study sought to find futuristic methods for their development. For these, the study suggested several solutions by grouping; deletion of regulations related with treatment of hospitals and sanitariums , sorting out overcrowded accommodation, necessity for installing independent medical youth training centers, separate accommodation by the target and individual treatment. And the study concluded the discussion.


Ⅰ. 문제의 제기
Ⅱ. 의료소년원의 운영현황
Ⅲ. 의료소년원의 발전방안
Ⅳ. 글을 마치며


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박찬걸(Park, Chan-Geol). (2017).의료소년원의 운영현황과 발전방안. 형사정책, 29 (3), 35-66


박찬걸(Park, Chan-Geol). "의료소년원의 운영현황과 발전방안." 형사정책, 29.3(2017): 35-66

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