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만추대 다수성 파 신품종 ‘여명’

이용수 4

A New High-Yielding and Late Bolting Welsh Onion Cultivar ‘Yeomyeong’
김철우(Cheol-Woo Kim) 이을태(Eul-Tai Lee) 최인후(In-Hu Choi) 장영석(Young-Seok Jang) 서세정(Sae-Jung Suh) 현동윤(Dong-Yun Hyun) 방진기(Jin-Ki Bang)
간행물 정보
『한국육종학회지』Vol.43 No.3, 180~183쪽, 전체 4쪽
농수해양 > 기타농수해양

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국문 초록

‘여명’은 양파와 파간의 종간교잡을 이용하여 육성된 품종으로 추파용 비가림하우스 재배에 적합하며 주요 품종특성은 다음과 같다. 1. 초형은 외대파형이며 엽색은 파에 비해 다소 진하며 위경기부에 안토시아닌이 착색되며 비대가 약하게 일어난다. 2. 수량구성요소인 초장, 위경장, 위경너비가 크고 주당 생체중은 302 g으로 다수성 형질을 가지고 있다. 3. 파밤나방, 노균병, 녹병, 흑반병에 저항성이 있다. 4. 수량은 13,128 kg/10a로 ‘금장’에 비해 141% 증수되었다.

영문 초록

‘Yeomyeong’, a new welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) variety, is developed by the Bioenergy Crop Research Center, NICS, RDA in 2004. This variety, as interspecific F 1 hybrid, is developed by a cross between onion (Allium. cepa L.) and welsh onion (A. fistulosum L). The first cross was conducted in 2003 between MOS8, onion male sterile line and G2, welsh onion inbred line. Horticultural and yield characteristics of this hybrid F 1 line was investigated in greenhouse for 2 years from 2004 to 2005 with fall cropping cultivation. It has a single pseudostem plant type, anthocyanin-colored pseudostem, and male sterile umbel. It showed intermediate plant type of the maternal parents in overall plant characteristics. ‘Yeomyeong’ is fall sawing variety and has higher plant height and pseudostem length than that of check variety ‘Gumjang’. The yield potential of this variety was about 130.1MT/ha in greenhouse in spring harvseting season. This variety would be adaptable to the fall sowing cultivation in green house.


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김철우(Cheol-Woo Kim),이을태(Eul-Tai Lee),최인후(In-Hu Choi),장영석(Young-Seok Jang),서세정(Sae-Jung Suh),현동윤(Dong-Yun Hyun),방진기(Jin-Ki Bang). (2011).만추대 다수성 파 신품종 ‘여명’. 한국육종학회지, 43 (3), 180-183


김철우(Cheol-Woo Kim),이을태(Eul-Tai Lee),최인후(In-Hu Choi),장영석(Young-Seok Jang),서세정(Sae-Jung Suh),현동윤(Dong-Yun Hyun),방진기(Jin-Ki Bang). "만추대 다수성 파 신품종 ‘여명’." 한국육종학회지, 43.3(2011): 180-183

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