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내린천수계 비접오염원 오염물질 유출량조사

이용수 8

A Study on Water Quality aod Amouot of Flowiog at Noopoiot Source of Nairio Stream
허인량(In-Ryang Huh) 박성빈(Sung-Bin Park) 오홍석(Heung-Seok Oh) 김영진(Yeong-Jin Kim)
간행물 정보
『한국환경보건학회지』제35권 제3호, 220~225쪽, 전체 6쪽
공학 > 환경공학

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1:1 문의
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영문 초록

This study evaluates the water quality of the river near the aψine farm1and in the upp Naerin strεarn, which is a typical strearn of the upper Bukhan Ríver with muddy water genε:ration, by the flow examination, it aims to estimate the characteristics of nooint sources flowing out from the investigated area and figure out effective methods to reduce them. According to the result of water quity examination, the averagε BOD of the area not affected by the cultivated land among the areas of the upper Naerin Ríver was 0.47 mg/l, and totaI phosphorous was 0.007 mg/l; thus, it maintained the cleanliness level of Ia. 까le average BOD of the area wìth the alpìne farm1and was 0.52 mg/l, which was simìlar to the one of the non-cultivated land. But total phosphorous concentratìon was 0.023 mg/l, which was more than three times higher than the area belongìng to level n due to the effect of fertilizer ìngredients dischargεd from the cultivated land. About the loadings of the investìgated area generated from each of the pollution sources, BOD was 878.5kg/day and totaI phosphorous was 79.7 kg/day. Moreover, for the load density, BOD was 2.22 kg/day.km2 and total phosphorous was shown as 0.20 kg/day.km2• Regarding the rates generated from nonpoint sources Jike land arnong the loadings per p이lution sources, BOD was 54%, totaI nitrogen was 91 %, and totaI phosphorous was 73.4%. Therefore, it was shown that most of the nutrients were produced from the nonpoint sources. The level of BOD runoff loading in the Jaun Ríver area, where nonpoint sources were mainly generated, was 37.1 k밍day and total phosphorous was 1.33kg/day. The flow rates to the generated arnount were estimated as 10.5% and 4.7% each.


l. 서 론
ll. 연구방법
lll. 결과 및 고찰
IV. 결 론


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허인량(In-Ryang Huh),박성빈(Sung-Bin Park),오홍석(Heung-Seok Oh),김영진(Yeong-Jin Kim). (2009).내린천수계 비접오염원 오염물질 유출량조사. 한국환경보건학회지, 35 (3), 220-225


허인량(In-Ryang Huh),박성빈(Sung-Bin Park),오홍석(Heung-Seok Oh),김영진(Yeong-Jin Kim). "내린천수계 비접오염원 오염물질 유출량조사." 한국환경보건학회지, 35.3(2009): 220-225

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