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창원시 학동 전기 소아들의 아토피 피부염 유병률과 그원인에 관한 연구

이용수 28

Prevalence Rate and Etiologic Risk Factors of Atopic Dermatitis in the Preschool Children in Changwon
이종근(Jong-Keun Lee) 이호성(Ho-Sung Lee) 하진실(Jin-Sil Ha) 박동진(Dong-Jin Park) 백도현(Do-Hyun PaH) 하권철(Kwon-Chul Ha)
간행물 정보
『한국환경보건학회지』제35권 제3호, 169~177쪽, 전체 9쪽
공학 > 환경공학

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In the past decade therε has been increasing concem about the atopic dermatitis (AD) associated with environrnental diseases. AD has been increased in the last dεcade and known as one of the multifactoral diseases, which has the genetic background and environmental factors at the same time. The purposes of this study were to investigate the prevalence rate and etiologic risk faclors of atopic dermatitis in preschool children in Changwon, which is a one of the Korean cities and has a large industrial complex. We reviewεd and analyzεd the statistical data, obtained from Korea National Health Insurance Corporation, related to prevalencε rate by age and administrative district. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey, based on ISAAC (Intemational Study of Allergy and Asthma in Childhood), was conducted on random samples of preschool children (5 to 8 years old) of large sized kindergartens in Changwon. The lifetime 없ld last one yεars prevalence of AD in preschool children in Changwon was increased from 1998 to 2008. The prevalεnce rate of AD in the preschool children in Changwon city was 9.6%. The prevalence rate in boys was 9.7% and that in girls was 9.4%. The one year prevalence of AD was ranked as middle among other provincial citiεs in Korεa in 2008. This study showed that the prevalence rate of the atopic disease in Changwon was 9% in 2008, which was increased especially compare to 2000. More active govεmmental approaches for control and prevention of atopic dermatitis for children are recommended. Further studies are needed for more accurate estimation of the prevalence of AD in Korea including different regional and age population.



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이종근(Jong-Keun Lee),이호성(Ho-Sung Lee),하진실(Jin-Sil Ha),박동진(Dong-Jin Park),백도현(Do-Hyun PaH),하권철(Kwon-Chul Ha). (2009).창원시 학동 전기 소아들의 아토피 피부염 유병률과 그원인에 관한 연구. 한국환경보건학회지, 35 (3), 169-177


이종근(Jong-Keun Lee),이호성(Ho-Sung Lee),하진실(Jin-Sil Ha),박동진(Dong-Jin Park),백도현(Do-Hyun PaH),하권철(Kwon-Chul Ha). "창원시 학동 전기 소아들의 아토피 피부염 유병률과 그원인에 관한 연구." 한국환경보건학회지, 35.3(2009): 169-177

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