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거창읍 중심지 공간구조의 변천사적 분석

이용수 5

A Historic Analysis On Changes Of The Spatial Structure In Core Of Geochang-Eup
주우일(Joo, Woo– Il) 권현철(Kweon, Hyeon-Cheol)
간행물 정보
『주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집)』住居環境 제13권 제4호 (통권 제30호), 243~254쪽, 전체 12쪽
사회과학 > 지역개발

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1:1 문의
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영문 초록

The Geochang-eup, not a big city but a small size city, is an ancient city, which has its own historicity and identity. Geochang-eup had been existed in the Pre-historic Period, Samhan Period and Gaya Period; while it appeared in the historical record for the first time as an administrative district with the name of Geochang in the 16th year of King Gyeondok’s ruling during the Shilla period (A.D. 757). It was Geochang-hyeon during the Goryeo Period and early Joseon Period. At the time of the King Yeongjo, it was raised to the level of Geochang-bu, which is a ‘doho-bu’ governed by a ‘busa’, a ‘jong-3rd-class’ government officer. It was a meaningful event because the framework of Geochang, as a central city in the northwestern part of Gyeongsangnam-do, was completed at this time. Therefore, studying the spatial structure constitution, the development process and changes in the city-center from the Joseon period, when Geochang-eup began to have the character of a point city, through the Japanese occupation period and until today helps the assessing of the historical identity of the Geochang-eup and the future city development strategy. Accordingly, this study learned the changes and characteristics of the spatial structure, roads and major public buildings, which are the spatial structure system of the Geochang-eup city-center, based on the related literature and drew the result. According to the result of the study, the city-center of the Geochang-eup has been the fruit of the local history and culture for generations as the womb of city space; however, the identity as city-center has decreased a lot because it became a modern and functional city space without keeping the advantage of a traditional city space due to various circumstances in the past. This study has the significance that it provides the future urban planning with a basis for the achievement of harmony between the old and new by reliving the uniqueness of the spatial structure held by the Geochang-eup as far as possible.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 거창읍 형성과 변화과정
Ⅲ. 공간구조의 변천 특징 분석
Ⅳ. 결론


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주우일(Joo, Woo–,Il),권현철(Kweon, Hyeon-Cheol). (2015).거창읍 중심지 공간구조의 변천사적 분석. 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집), 13 (4), 243-254


주우일(Joo, Woo–,Il),권현철(Kweon, Hyeon-Cheol). "거창읍 중심지 공간구조의 변천사적 분석." 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집), 13.4(2015): 243-254

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