화장품의 특수성분에 관한 연구 -샴푸중의 라우로일사르코신나트륨의 분석법-
이용수 35
- 영문명
- 발행기관
- 대한약학회
- 저자명
- 장영경 최상숙 김유선 정면우 이흔파 이규식 손경훈 김종갑
- 간행물 정보
- 『춘계총회 및 학술대회』(1995년), 109~109쪽, 전체 1쪽
- 주제분류
- 의약학 > 내과학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 1995.06.30
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해당간행물 수록 논문
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- A Chemical Taxonomy of Korean Acanthopanax spp. and Eleutherococcus spp.
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- Asimilobin and Asitribin, Two Novel Bioactive Annonaceous Acetogenins from the Seeds of Asimina triloba
- Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Free Amines in Aqueous Samples as N-isobutyloxycarbonyl Derivatives
- The antitumor activity of Salvia miltiorrhiza (Ⅲ)
- Gas Chromatographic Profile Analysis of Volatile and Non-volatile Organic Acids in Yeasts and Pattern Recognition
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- Characteristics of Steroid 9α-Hydroxylase in Nocardioforms
- Differentiation Induction in HL60 Cells by Ginsenosides
- Localization of the Epitope in Methamphetamine and Its Antibody Use for the Detection of Methamphetamine and Benzphetamine by Polarization Fluoroimmunoassay
- Effect of NO in vitro Hepatotoxicity Model Induced by Hapatotoxicants
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- Total Synthesis of Shikalkin
- Induction of Cytochrome P450 by Beta-Ionone Potentiates Cocaine-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Female B6C3F1 Mice
- Effect of intravenous infusion time on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the same total dose of azosemide
- Synthesis of 9,10-Demethyleneoxy-Sanguinarine and 8 -thio-chelerythrine
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- Synthesis of Macrocyclic Lactones
- Effects of Diphenyl Dimethyl Dicaboxylate on Ora l Tolerance to Ovalbumin in Mice
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- Dextromethorphan did not Block, but Sensitize the Behavioral Response of Cocaine; Possible Involvement of Long-term Expression of fos Related Antigen (FRA)
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- Different Responses to N-Methyl-D-Aspartate and Kainic Acid in Cerebellar Granule Cells of Lead-Exposed Pups
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- Effects of Pancreatic Secretagogues on the Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) Activities and Cyclic GMP Levels in Rat Pancreatic Tissues
- Orally Administered Dextromethorphan Increased AP-1 DNA Binding Activity and fos-related Antigen (FRA) Immunoreactivity in the Rat Cingulate Cortex
- 닥나무(Broussonetia kazinoki) 뿌리껍질의 항산화작용성분
- Flavonoids from the leaves of Rubus Coreanum
- Pharmacokinetics of Organic Cations : A Study with two model organic cations, triethylmethyl ammonium and tribuylmethyl ammonium
- Degradation of Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide (GHRP) in Aqueous Solution
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- The Herbal Extracts that Inhibit the Interleukin-8 Induction of LPS-stimulated NEK-52, a Rat epithelial Cell Line
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- Phenytoin 투약 후의 Carbamazepine Clearance 변화
- Quinapril (Angiotensin Coverting Enzyme 억제제) 관런 기침의 빈도
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- KRIBB-BP007 : An Inhibitor of FPTase Isolated from Eatable Source KRIBB-N-002
- 항암 면역 증강 작용이 있는 인삼 다당체에 의한 Cytokine mRNA발현 경향에 관한 연구
- 아카시 재목버섯으로 부터 분리한 B-Lymphocyte 활성물질
- Analysis of DNA Fragments by Capillary Electrophoresis with Entangled Polymer
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- Structures and Antitumor Activities of Sesquiterpenoid Compounds, U4 and U5, Isolated from Ulmus davidiana
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- Antitumor Activity of Salvia Plebeia in Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages
- Effects of Aflatoxin B1 on Antitumor Activity of Macrophages
- Anticancer Protein from the Venom of King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) and Mechanism of Action
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- The Effect of Methamphetamine on the Cell-Mediated Immunity
- Synthesis of Pyrozolo-3(H)-Quinoline Derivatives as {H+/K+)-ATPase Inhibitors
- 형광유도체화법을 이용한 Tobramycin의 분석법확립 및 응용
- Synthesis of New Quinolone Derivatives via Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions
- Influence of Circadian Rhythm on Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity in Mice
- Changes of the extxacellular concentrations of striatal dopamine and its metabolites by MK-801 in morphine dependent rats
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- Aconite Induced Myelo-Optic Neuropathy in a Rabbit Model
- Alkyl sulfides Potentiation of Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Hepatotoxicity:The Role of CYP2E1 Expression
- 나프토퀴논꼴 화합물의 합성에 관한 연구
- Oral Tolerancc to Ovalbumin in Mice as a Model for Modulators of Immunologic Tolerance to a Specific Antigen
- Effect of NP-77B on Various Liver Injury Models
- Studies on in vitro activity of New Camptothecin Derivatives as topoisomerase Ⅰinhibitors (Ⅰ)
- Ginsenosides (Rg₁and Rb₁) Inhibit Endothelium-dependent Contraction in the Thoracic Aorta of the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat
- Mechanism of Catecholamine Secretion Evoked by Lithium From the Isolated Perfused Rat Adrenal Gland
- Analysis of Acidic Non-steroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs in Urine by Gas Chromatography Mass Selective Detector
- Purification and Reaction Mechanism of Arylsulfate Sulfotransferase Obtained from Haemophilus K-12, a Mouse Intestinal Bacterium
- The Percutaneous Absorption of Antisensephosphorothioate Oligonucleotide (ASPS) Complementary to TGF -β mRNA Designed for Scar Formation Inhibitor
- Pharmacokinetics of recombinant human epidermal growth factor (DWP401) in rats
- 중대뇌동맥 폐쇄에 의한 허혈모델의 평가
- Down Regulation of TGF-β Gene Expression by Antisense Oligodeoxynucleotides Increases rlFN γ-Induced Nitric Oxide Synthesis in Murine Peritoneal Macrophages
- Protein Methylase II Isozyme from Porcine Spleen : Purification and Characterization
- Structure Activity Relationships of PAF Receptor Binding Antagonist, Pinusolide from Biota orientalis
- Studies on the Chemical Components of Acanthopanax Divaricatus and Anticancer Effect in the Leaves
- Phenolic Compounds from Stem of Rhamnus taquetii
- Orally Administered Dextromethorphan Altered the Reinforcing Effect of Cocaine : Using the Self-administration Paradigm
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