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중국의 농민 소질과 농촌인력자원의 특성에 관한 연구

이용수 14

A Study on the Quality of Farmers and Characters of Rural Human Resources in China
배성의(Sung Eui Bae)
간행물 정보
『농촌지도와 개발』16권 2호, 285~304쪽, 전체 20쪽
농수해양 > 기타농수해양

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The objectives of this study were finding out some methods about development of oversea agriculture in Korea. It is a tough task that faces us now. China is a big agricultural country, most agricultural investment country and the nearest located in Korea. So this study researches on the quality of farmers and characters of rural human resources in China. In China, agriculture industry is the basic industry among national economy developments. The majority of populations in China are living in rural region. Agriculture, villages and farmers are main issues in China. From this point, An analysis of Chinese farmers` characters and qualities; general conditions of farmers` knowledge of science and technology, their education level, quality of minds and sprit, and rural public health service situation in China. The result of this study is following; First, Chinese farmers` factors that low education level, big cultural differences between cities and country sides affect the development of China`s agriculture as obstruction factors. Second, Practice conditions of farmers` science knowledge and technology are low level, output of higher rural human resources, low quality of minds and sprit and problems of agricultural extension service. It is negative influenced of agriculture and farmers economic development in China. Third, unsociable culture of the peasantry influences Chinese farming in the negative ways. Also, conventional notions of family are getting weaker, it makes connection of the kinship weaken. But, Chinese think that this kind of kinship is the most important thing in their life. Fourth, in the case of situations that the farmer`s sanitation and health, low level of the medical service is getting worse than before relatively. And there are a lot of discordances between a planned childbirth policy and personal recognitions. Also, lacking of nourishment makes labor productivity falling tendencies. The medical industry falls short of the standard as compared to the number of farming people. Fifth, in the peasantry`s consciousness of the legal system, this causes difficulties to farmers in the market. Shortage of the legal knowledge exerts a bad influence upon rural economy.



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배성의(Sung Eui Bae). (2009).중국의 농민 소질과 농촌인력자원의 특성에 관한 연구. 농촌지도와 개발, 16 (2), 285-304


배성의(Sung Eui Bae). "중국의 농민 소질과 농촌인력자원의 특성에 관한 연구." 농촌지도와 개발, 16.2(2009): 285-304

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