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발해 유민의 大渤海건국과 고려와의 관계

이용수 387

Palhae descendants's founding Daepalhae and Its relationship between Daepalhae and Koryo
李孝珩(Lee, Hyo-Hyeong)
간행물 정보
『백산학보』第64號, 221~272쪽, 전체 52쪽
인문학 > 역사학

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The purpose of this paper is to examine the development process of independence movements of Daepalhae(大渤海: the year of 1116), the country which Palhae(渤海: the year of 698~926) perished and its descendants built, and the political environments of East Asia of those days. Also, it is to discover the relations of Daepalhae and Koryo(高麗) and the historical meanings of Daepalhae independence movements within East Asia. The leading figure of Daepalhae was Gaoyongchang(高永昌: ?~1116). He led independence movements together with Palhae descendents in the district of Liaoyang(遼陽), the Eastern Capital(東京) of Liaodong(遼東) in the year of 1116 against strict rule of Qidan(契丹). He was called Emperor, using even a reign-style and exercised a great influence by occupying the broader territory around Liaodong. To make us surprising, this country only used the name of Palhae among the independence countries built by Palhae descendents. Therefore we can easily find that this country was the independence movements country which clearly had the consciousness to succeed Old Palhae. However, this country failed to catch up the change of new international environments and collapsed by Jin(金) arisen newly instead of Lio(遼), the original governing country in the May of 1116. Meanwhile, the relations of Daepalhae and Koryo are largely divided into three. First, the relations of Koryo envoys and Daepalhae, second, the matter of Palhae descendants's exile into Koryo followed by the destroyed of Daepalhae, and third, the matter of Boju(保州) which appeared under the influence of the war of Lio against Jin and the independence movements against Daepalhae. Having relations with these diversified parts contrary to the general expectations shows that the relations of Daepalhae and Koryo are also very important, just like the relations of negotiation and confrontation of Silla․Palhae(新羅․渤海). Even though the independence movements of Palhae descendants failed in so a short period like 5 months, they have significant meanings in that it was the last country in Liaodong our people left outside of the Korean Peninsular. And we think it meaningful for Palhae descendants to have lived with having some relations in many parts with southern Koryo. But we must be cautious that the failure in the independence movements of Daepalhae brought the last moment old Palhae districts were entirely occupied by other peoples. In the process of the historical development of East Asia in the 12th century, Daepalhae Independence Movements were simply not the history of Palhae descendants. They firmly planted the existence of Daepalhae in the development process of the whole history in our country. At any rate, even though this paper does not examine the relations with Daepalhae and Koryo as deeply as I intended in the situation of complicated diplomatic relations of East Asia in earlier 12th century, I hope this paper will be a little helpful in the understanding of East Asia surrounding Daepalhae.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 대발해의 건국과 동아시아 정세
Ⅲ. 대발해와 고려의 관계
Ⅳ. 맺음말


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李孝珩(Lee, Hyo-Hyeong). (2002).발해 유민의 大渤海건국과 고려와의 관계. 백산학보, (64), 221-272


李孝珩(Lee, Hyo-Hyeong). "발해 유민의 大渤海건국과 고려와의 관계." 백산학보, .64(2002): 221-272

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