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전환 비용이 반영된 선택 기반 확산 모형을 통한 신ㆍ구 상품간 대체 및 경쟁 예측 - 신ㆍ구 유료 방송서비스간 대체 및 경쟁 사례를 중심으로

이용수 147

Forecasting Substitution and Competition among Previous and New products using Choice-based Diffusion Model with Switching Cost: Focusing on Substitution and Competition among Previous and New Fixed Charged Broadcasting Services
Koh Daeyoung(高大永) Junseok Hwang(?俊哲) Hyunseok Oh(?炫?) Jongsu Lee(李?受)
간행물 정보
『JGAMS』Journal of Korean Academy of Marketing Science Vol.18 No.2, 223~252쪽, 전체 30쪽
경제경영 > 경영학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

  본 연구에서 우리는 시장 자료가 부족한 상황에서 개인레벨과 총량레벨 모두에서 신상품들과 기존 상품들 간의 동태적 대체, 경쟁을 예측하는데 적합하도록 전환비용 요소가 포함된 신ㆍ구상품간 대체ㆍ경쟁 예측 선택기반 확산 모형을 제안하고자 한다. 추가적으로, 우리는 제안된 모형을 디지털 케이블 TV, IPTV 등이 포함된 신규 유료 양방향 방송서비스들과 기존의 아날로그 케이블 TV가 대표하는 구 유료 방송 서비스간에 벌어지는 대체 및 경쟁 예측 사례에 적용하여 본 모형의 의의를 밝히며, 또한 관련된 실증적 시사점을 도출하고자 한다. 실증 적용 결과, 유료 방송서비스 시장에 있어선 기존 상품과 전환 비용을 고려하지 않고 신상품 수요 예측을 하는 경우, 초기 확산 속도를 과대 추정하거나 왜곡된 예측 경향이 존재하여, 보다 현실적이고 보수적인 신상품 수요 예측을 위해 이들의 반영이 필요함을 밝혀, 본 연구에서 제안된 모형의 의의를 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, 제안된 모형이 S자 곡선을 미리 가정하기보다, 실증 대상의 속성이 소비자의 상태전환에 미치는 영향의 정도에 따라 유연한 형태의 총량시장 성장 곡선을 도출함을 확인하였다. 실증적으로는 여러 가격 조합에 대해 IPTV가 디지털 케이블 TV에 비해 더 선호되어 가입자 확보 면에서 우위에 있을 것임을 확인할 수 있었다. 한편, 기존 상품인 아날로그케이블 TV의 경우 열위의 서비스 속성에도 불구하고, 가격에서의 우위와 높은 전환비용의 존재로 인해 급격한 대체보다 점진적인 대체가 이루어질 가능성이 큼을 알 수 있었다.

영문 초록

  In this study, we attempt to propose a choice-based diffusion model with switching cost, which can be used to forecast the dynamic substitution and competition among previous and new products at both individual-level and aggregate level, especially when market data for new products is insufficient. Additionally, we apply the proposed model to the empirical case of substitution and competition among Analog Cable TV that represents previous fixed charged broadcasting service and Digital Cable TV and Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) that are new ones, verify the validities of our proposed model, and finally derive related empirical implications.
  For empirical application, we obtained data from survey conducted as follows. Survey was administered by Dongseo Research to 1,000 adults aging from 20 to 60 living in Seoul, Korea, in May of 2007, under the title of "Demand analysis of next generation fixed interactive broadcasting services". Conjoint survey modified as follows, was used. First, as the traditional approach in conjoint analysis, we extracted 16 hypothetical alternative cards from the orthogonal design using important attributes and levels of next generation interactive broadcasting services which were determined by previous literature review and experts" comments. Again, we divided 16 conjoint cards into 4 groups, and thus composed 4 choice sets with 4 alternatives each. Therefore, each respondent faces 4 different hypothetical choice situations. In addition to this, we added two ways of modification. First, we asked the respondents to include the status-quo broadcasting services they subscribe to, as another alternative in each choice set. As a result, respondents choose the most preferred alternative among 5 alternatives consisting of 1 alternative with current subscription and 4 hypothetical alternatives in 4 choice sets. Modification of traditional conjoint survey in this way enabled us to estimate the factors related to switching cost or switching threshold in addition to the effects of attributes. Also, by using both revealed preference data(1 alternative with current subscription) and stated preference data (4 hypothetical alternatives), additional advantages in terms of the estimation properties and more conservative and realistic forecast, can be achieved. Second, we asked the respondents to choose the most preferred alternative while considering their expected adoption timing or switching timing. Respondents are asked to report their expected adoption or switching timing among 14 half-year points after the introduction of next generation broadcasting services. As a result, for each respondent, 14 observations with 5 alternatives for each period, are obtained, which results in panel-type data. Finally, this panel-type data consisting of 4*14*1000=56000 observations is used for estimation of the individual-level consumer adoption model.
  From the results obtained by empirical application, in case of forecasting the demand of new products without considering existence of previous product(s) and(or) switching cost factors, it is found that overestimated speed of diffusion at introductory stage or distorted predictions can be obtained, and as such, validities of our proposed model in which both existence of previous products and switching cost factors are properly considered, are verified. Also, it is found that proposed model can produce flexible patterns of market evolution depending on the degree of the effects of consumer preferences for the attributes of the alternatives on individual-level state transition, rather than following S-shaped curve assumed a priori.
  Empirically, it is found that in various scenarios with diverse combinations of prices, IPTV is more likely to take advantageous positions over Digital Cable TV in obtaining subscribers. Meanwhile, despite inferiorities in many technological attributes, Analog Cable TV, which is


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 기존 문헌 연구 및 본 연구의 차별점
Ⅲ. 모형
Ⅳ. 실증 적용 사례
Ⅴ. 실증 적용 결과
Ⅵ. 결언


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Koh Daeyoung(高大永),Junseok Hwang(?俊哲),Hyunseok Oh(?炫?),Jongsu Lee(李?受). (2008).전환 비용이 반영된 선택 기반 확산 모형을 통한 신ㆍ구 상품간 대체 및 경쟁 예측 - 신ㆍ구 유료 방송서비스간 대체 및 경쟁 사례를 중심으로. JGAMS, 18 (2), 223-252


Koh Daeyoung(高大永),Junseok Hwang(?俊哲),Hyunseok Oh(?炫?),Jongsu Lee(李?受). "전환 비용이 반영된 선택 기반 확산 모형을 통한 신ㆍ구 상품간 대체 및 경쟁 예측 - 신ㆍ구 유료 방송서비스간 대체 및 경쟁 사례를 중심으로." JGAMS, 18.2(2008): 223-252

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