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터키 여성주의 작가 할리데 에딥의 생애와 작품연구 - 『세비예 탈립』과 『창녀를 쳐라』를 중심으로

이용수 34

Studies on Turkish Feminism Writer Halide Edip’s Life and Works
이난아(Lee Nan-A)
간행물 정보
『한국중동학회논총』제26권 제1호, 249~271쪽, 전체 23쪽
사회과학 > 지역학

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  The Women"s problems in Turkey, which started to be discussed in the Tanzimat era, had a significant change in the Republican era. There were insufficient studies, activities and inconsistencies on women"s problems in the Tanzimat and Constitutional era. Authors in these eras usually depicted women who stayed indoors. However, some authors such as Namik Kemal, Ahmet Mithat put their heart and soul to raise the position of women in the society. Women depicted in the works made in these eras usually did not have their own occupations, but they tried to raise their position only to be good wives and mothers. However, it is quite significant to see that since the Tanzimat era, writings on women"s problems were started to be written and the position of women in the society started to be partly discussed due to the influence of the West. Especially in this era, it is obvious that women"s problems were dealt through literary works and periodicals, and they started to be reflected in various classes in the society.
  The fundamental change on the position of women in the Turkish society was brought to relief to the society at large with the proclamation of The Republic of Turkey, and it was no exception on the field of literature. For the first time in this era, women were depicted actively and were equally treated as male characters in literary works.
  The first author in Turkish Literature who dealt actively with women"s problems and setting women as the main characters in her works, was Halide Edip, a female writer. All of her works issue about women"s problems in Turkey with great interest with conscience. Most women characters in Halide Edip"s works try to demonstrate their identities in their families and the society. As a natural result, these women characters have difficulties and conflicts with their inner nature, families and the society. This fact can be seen as the reflection of Turkish women going through tough realities in Turkish society. In other words, Halide Edip depicted the conflicts of women characters in her works, trying to give courage to Turkish women indirectly. As mentioned above, this is an obvious example that how literary works reflect social thoughts and goals of that era.
  Halide Edip asserted the women"s rights on education, opposition toward polygamy, accessing outdoors, attending social gatherings, working, divorce, not covering their head and body, selecting their own husbands, making organizations and political rights in most of her works. This fact proves that she reflected her own identity as a feminist through her literary works.
  Halide Edip examined closely the conflicts of Turkish women during the contemporary changes of the Turkish history, and through the examination of those conflicts, she tried to make social reforms for a better society, which makes her an important author in Turkish literature. Not only did her efforts have great affection on contemporary Turkish authors, but also on the Turkish society. However, there still exist dual standards, discriminating men and women, due to the influence of traditional Islamic culture.
  There are negative opinions on Halide Edip, claiming her political opinions inconsistent, but she made a great issue about the Turkish women"s problems through her literary works, and we have no contradictions on the fact that she is trying to show the lives of Turkish women through her own. She aggressively broke common ideas of the present era with her actions, and dealt with great confidence the will and identity of women in her literary works. Due to these reasons, Halide Edip will be immortal in the history of Turkish literature.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 할리데 에딥
Ⅲ. 결론
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이난아(Lee Nan-A). (2005).터키 여성주의 작가 할리데 에딥의 생애와 작품연구 - 『세비예 탈립』과 『창녀를 쳐라』를 중심으로. 한국중동학회논총, 26 (1), 249-271


이난아(Lee Nan-A). "터키 여성주의 작가 할리데 에딥의 생애와 작품연구 - 『세비예 탈립』과 『창녀를 쳐라』를 중심으로." 한국중동학회논총, 26.1(2005): 249-271

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