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商業施設의 利用에 관한 消費者의 行態分析 硏究-일산지역의 사례를 중심으로-

이용수 67

A Study of the consumer's behaviour related to use of the commercial facility-The case study of ILSAN zone-
장동훈(Jang Dong Hoon) 정승영(Jeong Seung Young) 이옥동(Lee Ok Dong)
간행물 정보
『부동산학보』부동산학보 제21집, 165~178쪽, 전체 14쪽
경제경영 > 경제학

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1:1 문의
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1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Analysis of this research and this case study are related to retail management and planning issues. Issues covered include theories of trade area analysis, consumer patronage behavior, strategic planning, store atmosphere, merchandise planning, physical accessibility to commercial facillities and buying, pricing, location, and customer support services. (2) RESEARCH METHOD empirical analysis: market reserch, survey reserch (3) RESEARCH RESULTS Siting decisions are analyzed, with respect to locating at existing commercial facilities in the old town versus commercial facilities in the new town sites, and with respect to serving users. How many commercial facilities are needed and where? Or, more accurately, what is the relationship between availability of product supply infrastructure and market demand? what factors affect shether a consumer makers more or less frequent trips? also, In 2002, we determined from our survey research of consumer in KOYANG-SI that would sonsider purchasing goods. These later estimates are founded on any consumer-based research. Additional survey research on consumer behavior will be combined with geographical information data to develop more sophisticated understandings of how to optimize the siting of commercial facilities in metropolitan settings, we are concerned with store location research and begins with an analysis of urban areas - their functions land use patterns, spatial organization and the urban economy. Also featured in this paper are concepts of store layout and design as they relate to proper marketing strategy in a retail environment, designs and siting will be matched with research on hydrogen markets to design pathways that take into account market niche strategies 2. RESULTS thus, Planning Commercial facilities must be retrofitted to remove barriers to disabled accessibility and must provide auxiliary aids, if it is readily achievable or can be easily traveled or carried out without much difficulty or expense. Commercial facilities are subject to the accessibility requirements only when the Facility is a new construction or when an existing building undergoes alterations, renovations, remodeling, historic preservation, or structural changes that affect the usability of the building. 3. KEY WORDS commercial facilities, trade area analysis, retail manaement, comsumer behavior, location


Ⅰ. 문제제기 및 연구목적
Ⅱ. 선행연구
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 상업시설의 이용행태의 특징
Ⅴ. 상업시설 이용행태에 관한 실증분석(고양시의 사례)
Ⅵ. 결론


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장동훈(Jang Dong Hoon),정승영(Jeong Seung Young),이옥동(Lee Ok Dong). (2003).商業施設의 利用에 관한 消費者의 行態分析 硏究-일산지역의 사례를 중심으로-. 부동산학보, 21 , 165-178


장동훈(Jang Dong Hoon),정승영(Jeong Seung Young),이옥동(Lee Ok Dong). "商業施設의 利用에 관한 消費者의 行態分析 硏究-일산지역의 사례를 중심으로-." 부동산학보, 21.(2003): 165-178

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