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인터넷 電子商去來와 國際貿易: 影響과 問題點

이용수 31

Issues and Problems in Electronic Commerce and International Trade
인하대학교 산업경제연구소
이광 심재진
간행물 정보
『경상논집』경상논집 제12집 제2호, 127~151쪽, 전체 25쪽
경제경영 > 경제학

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1:1 문의
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영문 초록

As the electronic information technology including the Internet has taken rapid development in recent years, the expansion of Electronic Commerce in business activities changes the paradigm of traditional business. Given this progress, this paper aims to review the effects of Electronic Commerce using the Internet on international trade, and to discuss the necessary steps for further development. While Electronic Commerce dramatically reduces many complex procedures involving traditional trade and removes boundaries between producers and consumers through the Internet, it has an enormous influence on the traditional mechanism of international trade. In addition, Electronic Commerce is enable to consolidate all of the markets into a single unified market which allows anybody to participate in very efficient and effective ways, such as lowering all kinds of costs, reduction of inventories and cycle times, and the realization of new sales opportunities. However, it is forecasted that the regulations of applicable policies, especially for trade in Services, Intellectual Property Rights, Government Procurements, and policies for coordination among the nations, are necessary for settling Electronic Commerce. In order to ensure the stable growth of Electronic Commerce, the solution for issues in tariffs and other taxes relating to electronic commerce, the establishment of Uniform Commercial Code, Intellectual Property Rights, security, and privacy protection must be formulated. In order to realize this, the private sector and governments face a number of challenge. However, this paper points out that any solution will be meaningless if it discourages Electronic Commerce, or impairs the development of the Internet and other information technologies.


1. 서론
2. 인터넷 전자상거래의 일반적 고찰
3. 인터넷 전자상거래가 무역에 미치는 영향
4. 인터넷 전자상거래의 문제점
5. 결론


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이광,심재진. (1998).인터넷 電子商去來와 國際貿易: 影響과 問題點. 경상논집, 12 (2), 127-151


이광,심재진. "인터넷 電子商去來와 國際貿易: 影響과 問題點." 경상논집, 12.2(1998): 127-151

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