성인 발달장애 자녀를 둔 부모의 돌봄부담이 돌봄스트레스에 미치는 영향: 주돌봄자가 지각한 배우자 및 비장애형제자녀의 장애수용 및 책임감의 매개효과
이용수 4
- 영문명
- The Impact of Caregiver Burden on the Stress of Parents Caring for Adults with Developmental Disabilities: The Mediating Effects of Perceived Spousal and Non-disabled Children’s Acceptance and Responsibility
- 발행기관
- 한국생애학회
- 저자명
- 이윤정 전세송 송진아
- 간행물 정보
- 『생애학회지』제15권 제1호, 81~99쪽, 전체 19쪽
- 주제분류
- 자연과학 > 생활/식품과학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2025.02.28
구매일시로부터 72시간 이내에 다운로드 가능합니다.
이 학술논문 정보는 (주)교보문고와 각 발행기관 사이에 저작물 이용 계약이 체결된 것으로, 교보문고를 통해 제공되고 있습니다.

국문 초록
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effects of perceived acceptance and responsibility by spouses and non-disabled children in the relationship between caregiver burden and subjective stress among parents of adults with developmental disabilities. The study included 210 parents of adults with developmental disabilities living in Ulsan City. Data were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 and the Process Macro (Model 4). The primary findings were as follows. First, spousal acceptance and responsibility did not mediate the relationship between caregiver burden and subjective caregiver stress. Second, non-disabled children’s acceptance and responsibility mediated the relationship between caregiver burden and subjective caregiver stress. This study elucidates the process by which objective burden—that is, disruptions caused by caring for an adult with developmental disabilities—translates into subjective stress. Specifically, the findings highlight the distinct roles that spouses and non-disabled children play in the primary caregiver’s experience. The results suggest a need to restructure family caregiving dynamics and implement strategies for the efficient distribution of caregiving responsibilities. Such efforts would help sustain care that meets the ongoing needs of adults with developmental disabilities.
영문 초록
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과
Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론
참 고 문 헌
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