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중증환자 전담간호사 양성 교육 프로그램이 중증환자 간호 지식, 임상수행능력 및 교육만족도에 미치는 영향

이용수 222

The Effect of the Critical Care Nurse Training Program on Critical Care Nursing Knowledge, Clinical Performance and Educational Satisfaction
전남대학교 간호과학연구소
안신혜 최은정 최명이 김혜경 정혜원
간행물 정보
『Nursing & Health Issues』제29권 제1호, 64~76쪽, 전체 13쪽
의약학 > 간호학

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Purpose: The study aims to develop a systematic education program for nurses dedicated to critically ill patients and evaluate its effectiveness. Methods: This study used a one-group repeated measures experimental design. A total of 26 nurses participated in a four-week training program, which was divided between theoretical education and on-site training. Data were collected from January to November 2022. This study examined critical care nursing knowledge, clinical performance, and educational satisfac-tion. Results: After training, a significant difference in knowledge was observed, with the largest effect size immediately post- training (partial eta squared=.60) and a subsequent increase at 6 months (F=37.62, p<.001). Clinical performance ability demonstrated significant enhancements, especially in renal system nursing (partial eta squared=.54) and hemodynamic moni-toring (partial eta squared=.41). However, areas such as physical nursing care and medication did not reflect significant educational impact. Educational satisfaction was notably high at 29.59 (±1.13) out of 30. Conclusion: This study has demon-strated improvements in knowledge and clinical performance through the educational program and confirmed that the program had long-term effects. The study proposes a systematically developed program that can be effectively applied to new nurses working in intensive care units as well as nurses who lack education and experience with seriously ill patients in new infectious disease situations.

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안신혜,최은정,최명이,김혜경,정혜원. (2024).중증환자 전담간호사 양성 교육 프로그램이 중증환자 간호 지식, 임상수행능력 및 교육만족도에 미치는 영향. Nursing & Health Issues, 29 (1), 64-76


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