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요양병원 간호사의 의사소통 능력과 직무스트레스가 조직유효성에 미치는 영향

이용수 252

The Effects of Communication Skill and Job Stress on Organizational Effectiveness of Geriatric Hospital Nurses
전남대학교 간호과학연구소
한상미(Han Sang-Mi) 박성주(Park Sung-Ju)
간행물 정보
『Nursing & Health Issues』제24권 제2호, 124~132쪽, 전체 9쪽
의약학 > 간호학

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Purpose: This study was a descriptive survey and aimed to identify the communication skill, job stress, and organizational effectiveness of geriatric hospital nurses and examine the effects of communication skill and job stress on organizational effectiveness. Methods: The participants were 180 nurses with more than one year of work experience as a geriatric hospital nurse, who were randomly recruited from six selected long-term care hospitals with more than 100 beds, located in G Metropolitan City and J Province. Results: Communication skill had an average score of 3.56 points, job stress had 3.77 points, and organizational effectiveness had 3.17 points on a five-point scale. Organizational effectiveness of long-term care hospital nurses had a significant positive correlation with communication skill (r=.43, p <.001) and a significant negative correlation with job stress (r=−.28, p <.001). The factors significantly influencing organizational effectiveness were communication skill and job stress. The explanatory power of the two variables was 23%. Conclusion: Organizational effectiveness had a significant positive correlation with communication skill and a significant negative correlation with job stress. Therefore, it is judged to be necessary to develop various studies and programs for enhancing communication skill and reducing job stress in order to promote organizational effectiveness of long-term care hospital nurses.


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한상미(Han Sang-Mi),박성주(Park Sung-Ju). (2019).요양병원 간호사의 의사소통 능력과 직무스트레스가 조직유효성에 미치는 영향. Nursing & Health Issues, 24 (2), 124-132


한상미(Han Sang-Mi),박성주(Park Sung-Ju). "요양병원 간호사의 의사소통 능력과 직무스트레스가 조직유효성에 미치는 영향." Nursing & Health Issues, 24.2(2019): 124-132

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