Effects of Clozapine, Haloperidol, and Fluoxetine on the Reversal of Cocaine-Induced Locomotor Sensitization
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- 영문명
- 발행기관
- 대한신경정신의학회
- 저자명
- SeungKeun Cha UngGu Kang
- 간행물 정보
- 『Psychiatry Investigation』제11권 제4호, 454~458쪽, 전체 5쪽
- 주제분류
- 의약학 > 정신과학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2014.10.31
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국문 초록
영문 초록
Objective-Repeated treatment with psychostimulants induces sensitization of the dopaminergic system in the brain. Dopaminergic sensitization has been proposed as a mechanism of psychosis. Although antipsychotics block the expression of sensitized behavior, they are ineffective for reversing the sensitized state. We investigated the effect of clozapine, haloperidol, and fluoxetine on the reversal of cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization.
Methods-Male ICR mice were sensitized to cocaine with repeated treatment. Animals were then split into four groups, and each group was treated with vehicle or one of the above drugs for 5 days. After a 3-day drug washout, locomotor activity was assessed before and after a cocaine challenge.
Results-Clozapine reversed the sensitized state, whereas haloperidol did not. Fluoxetine seemed to reverse the sensitization partially.
Conclusion-We confirmed that D2 blockade was not effective for reversing sensitization. The reversal by clozapine is partially explained in terms of its strong 5-HT2 and weak D2 affinity. The partial reversal by fluoxetine seemed to be related to its serotonin-augmenting action.
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