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Research Trends on Career Preparation Behavior in the Social Science Field in Korea

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Seonmi HA Jaeseung MOON
간행물 정보
『East Asian Journal of Business Economics』Vol.12 No.4, 13~24쪽, 전체 12쪽
경제경영 > 경제학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine research trends in college students' career preparation behavior in Korea and to suggest future research directions. Research design, data and methodology: We analyzed 217 research papers in the Korean social science field published after 2000. Research trends were analyzed in terms of research purpose, research focus, and research method. Based on the analysis results, future research directions were suggested, and implications and limitations of this study were discussed. Results: First, there was little research on college students' career preparation behavior in the social science field in Korea until the 2000s, but research has increased since the 2010s, and research is being conducted steadily until 2020. Second, we found that many studies focus on verifying the causal relationship between antecedents and career preparation behaviors. Third, while there are many studies that designed college student career preparation behavior as an outcome variable, there is a lack of research that demonstrates the results of college student career preparation behavior. Fourth, most studies were conducted as quantitative studies, and qualitative studies or meta-analyses were rare. Fifth, some longitudinal studies were conducted to confirm the effectiveness of educational programs to promote career preparation behavior among college students, but most of the studies were cross-sectional studies. Conclusions: This study expands the career preparation behavior research by suggesting future research directions based on the analysis results.

영문 초록


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Research Method
4. Results of the Analysis
5. Discussion


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Seonmi HA,Jaeseung MOON. (2024).Research Trends on Career Preparation Behavior in the Social Science Field in Korea. East Asian Journal of Business Economics, 12 (4), 13-24


Seonmi HA,Jaeseung MOON. "Research Trends on Career Preparation Behavior in the Social Science Field in Korea." East Asian Journal of Business Economics, 12.4(2024): 13-24

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