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장소애착의 양면적 태도에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Two-sided Attitude of Place Attachment
신미숙(Meesook Seen) 서문식(Munshik Suh) 윤태환(Taehwan Yoon)
간행물 정보
『한일경상논집』제106권, 77~96쪽, 전체 20쪽
경제경영 > 경영학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Purpose: This study examines the formation of ambivalent emotions toward places by analyzing positive and negative sentiments in relation to personal characteristics and attitudes. It summarizes the concept of place attachment and its influencing factors, explores consumers’ dual attitudes, and analyzes ambivalent emotions based on individual traits. Through this, the research aims to deepen the understanding of the complex emotional dynamics of place attachment. Research design, data, and methodology: This study analyzed factors influencing place attachment and consumers’ dual attitudes toward places using data from 160 adults with prior visit experiences. Location characteristics included benefits, accessibility, price satisfaction, and program satisfaction, while consumer characteristics encompassed past visits and activity participation. Consumers’ attitudes toward place attachment were classified as positive or negative, with influencing factors including residence, activity participation, and prior visits. Hypotheses were tested using multiple regression (H1), dummy regression (H2), and binary logistic regression (H3). Results: This study explores the relationship between place characteristics, consumer characteristics, and place attachment. It finds that convenience and accessibility influence attachment. Consumers with prior visit experiences show stronger attachment than those without. Regarding activity participation, individuals with surfing experience exhibit positive attachment behaviors, while those without experience are more likely to recommend the place. Residents from other regions show negative attitudes toward recommending the place. Additionally, visitors with limited prior visits and no activity participation display negative attitudes toward place protection behaviors, while those with prior experience but no activity participation show more positive protection behaviors than those who participated. These findings highlight the impact of place and consumer characteristics on place attachment and behaviors. Implication: First, the relationship between the influence of the characteristics of the place on the visitor’s attachment was presented when the place itself was expanded to a brand or a consumed product. Second, if the existing research has studied the positive aspects of place attachment, it provides academic implications by studying the negative attitude and influence of place attachment consumers. Third, it will give practical implications to the recent local government’s place development project such as tourist attractions and landmarks.

영문 초록


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
3. 연구가설
4. 실증분석
5. 결론


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신미숙(Meesook Seen),서문식(Munshik Suh),윤태환(Taehwan Yoon). (2025).장소애착의 양면적 태도에 관한 연구. 한일경상논집, (), 77-96


신미숙(Meesook Seen),서문식(Munshik Suh),윤태환(Taehwan Yoon). "장소애착의 양면적 태도에 관한 연구." 한일경상논집, (2025): 77-96

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