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국가직무능력표준(NCS)기반 커피교과개발의 분석 및 설계에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Analysis and Design of Coffee Curriculum Development Based on the National Competency Standards (NCS)
신혜경(HyeKyung Shin)
간행물 정보
『한국커피문화연구』제10권 2호, 335~368쪽, 전체 34쪽
복합학 > 학제간연구

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

In line with the global coffee market, there is an urgent need for a coffee barista who can know, cuff, recommend, or choose a variety of high-end coffee so that specialized coffee shops can start businesses. In order to establish a curriculum to develop and operate coffee courses for nurturing necessary human resources, coffee-related skills required for employment were first identified through a questionnaire for coffee industry sites and coffee education recipients, and based on national job standard competency factors and educational theory, the competency units required for the coffee industry were selected, and the final coffee course was developed. Based on the ADDIE model, the overall process was planned in detail and carried out step by step. In the analysis stage, basic data surveys for subject development, such as data surveys, industrial site surveys, and identification of training standards for NCS job standards, were conducted. In order to understand the response of the field, the competency units required for the job of the industry and trainees were analyzed through a questionnaire. At this time, the necessity of subject development was identified through the opinions of experts. In addition, the environmental factors in which actual training was conducted were also analyzed to examine the conditions for the class to be conducted. In the design stage, the competency units necessary for job performance were selected by analyzing the results of the previous questionnaire and review, and after grasping the importance thereof, the competency units for final subject development were selected. In addition, the final six coffee courses were developed by reflecting the ideals and ideologies of educational institutions, mid- to long-term development plans, educational facilities, and instructors, which are environmental factors. We hope that educational institutions will help develop NCS coffee courses.

영문 초록


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 커피교과 개발 프로세스
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언


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신혜경(HyeKyung Shin). (2024).국가직무능력표준(NCS)기반 커피교과개발의 분석 및 설계에 관한 연구. 한국커피문화연구, 10 (2), 335-368


신혜경(HyeKyung Shin). "국가직무능력표준(NCS)기반 커피교과개발의 분석 및 설계에 관한 연구." 한국커피문화연구, 10.2(2024): 335-368

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