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동양적 미니멀니즘의 패션에 나타난 미의식 연구 - 일본 불교의 ‘선(禪) 사상’을 중심으로

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study on aesthetic consciousness in the fashion of oriental minimalism : focusing on the ‘zen thought’ of Japanese Buddhism
전남대학교 생활과학연구소
양정원(Jung-Won Yang)
간행물 정보
『生活科學硏究』第34輯, 19~33쪽, 전체 15쪽
자연과학 > 생활/식품과학

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국문 초록

The purpose of this study was to examine the aesthetics inherent in oriental minimalism fashion, which contains ecological aesthetics, through minimal fashion created by Japanese fashion designers, in order to raise awareness of ecological issues due to climate change. The research method explores the phenomenon of Oriental minimalism and the importance of the Oriental view of nature as a sustainable culture through domestic and foreign books and previous research, and examines the aesthetic background of ‘Zen’ ideology as an internal formative factor of Oriental minimalism. We looked at the aesthetics inherent in Japanese minimalist fashion through related aesthetic categories. Case analysis was conducted by examining fashion photo data through fashion information sites, and the research scope was limited to from 2015 S/S to 2024 S/S. The results of examining the aesthetics inherent in minimal fashion created by Japanese fashion designers as a sustainable culture of oriental minimalism are as follows. First, Oriental minimalism stands out for its nature-friendly ideology, and unlike Korea and China, where the Japanese view of nature emphasizes the original state of nature as inaction, it is characterized by its affinity with highly abstract natural objects. In minimalist fashion as well, rather than expressing the forms of objects as they are in nature, it expresses profound emotions through abstract patterns. Second, the Zen aesthetics, which is the foundation of the aesthetic consciousness inherent in Oriental minimalism, emphasizes the importance of the sense of space and blank space that the work gives through emptiness and void by reflecting the concept of emptiness in aesthetic expression, and emphasizes intuitive and emotional expression through meditative practice to penetrate the true nature of one's own existence, and shows the characteristics of emphasizing the beauty of nature due to ‘物我一體(the unity of self and material)’, excluding complexity due to condensationism, and pursuing simplicity. Third, the aesthetic principle of Japanese Zen thought is condensationism, and its aesthetic ideal is ‘the unity of self and material’. The aesthetic categories in which Buddhist Zen thought is embodied in art are broadly categorized as monono-aware, wabi-sabi, and yugen, and the derived aesthetic values are the beauty of restrained simplicity, the beauty of intentional poverty, and the condensed beauty of nature. As such, this study will be used as fashion information for establishing sustainable design plans, as Japan's minimalist fashion, which reflects ecological aesthetics in the era of essential environmental protection, is a sustainable culture with East Asian philosophical thinking and is continuously receiving attention in the fashion industry.

영문 초록


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 일본 미니멀리즘 패션에 내재된 미의식 분석
Ⅳ. 결론


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양정원(Jung-Won Yang). (2024).동양적 미니멀니즘의 패션에 나타난 미의식 연구 - 일본 불교의 ‘선(禪) 사상’을 중심으로. 生活科學硏究, (), 19-33


양정원(Jung-Won Yang). "동양적 미니멀니즘의 패션에 나타난 미의식 연구 - 일본 불교의 ‘선(禪) 사상’을 중심으로." 生活科學硏究, (2024): 19-33

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