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The Dove and the Sacred Feminine: From the Creative Principle of God to the Soul Transformation

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Pedro Henrique Leonetti Habimorad
간행물 정보
『International Journal of Jungian Sandplay Therapy』Vol.1 No.2, 25~39쪽, 전체 15쪽
사회과학 > 심리학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Sometimes linked to love and peace, at other times to war and disease, the dove carries a myriad of meanings. As it has accompanied man since the beginnings of civilization, its symbolism is extensive and complex. Far from intending to exhaust it, the present study presents an amplification of the symbolism of the dove, taking the scientific descriptions of this bird as the reference, as well as its symbolic presence in pagan mythical narratives of Antiquity, the Judeo-Christian tradition, and alchemy. Based on some of Jung’s notes, this study starts from the hypothesis that the dove can be understood as a symbol of the sacred feminine, both as the creative principle of God, associated with the figures of the Great Mother, and as an archetype of the spiritual transformation of the human soul, associated with Sophia, Mercurius and the Holy Ghost. Furthermore, by symbolizing this dynamic principle that integrates matter and spirit, the dove is understood here from its movement, which is assumed to be analogous to the alchemical operation of circulatio. As an alternation between inferior sublimatio and coagulatio, circulatio corresponds to a repeated movement around a center in which, through the symbolizing action of the Self, the ego integrates and reorganizes the unconscious contents of complexes, giving birth to a renewed structure. Finally, an excerpt from a single clinical case is presented to illustrate the aforementioned movement in relation to the symbolism of the dove.

영문 초록


Biological and behavioral aspects of doves
The dove and creation: the feminine aspect of God
The dove and the human soul: from religious faith to alchemical wisdom
The dove in motion: sublimatio, coagulatio and circulatio
The dove in the sandbox: excerpt from a clinical case


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Pedro Henrique Leonetti Habimorad. (2024).The Dove and the Sacred Feminine: From the Creative Principle of God to the Soul Transformation. International Journal of Jungian Sandplay Therapy, 1 (2), 25-39


Pedro Henrique Leonetti Habimorad. "The Dove and the Sacred Feminine: From the Creative Principle of God to the Soul Transformation." International Journal of Jungian Sandplay Therapy, 1.2(2024): 25-39

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