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렘 콜하스 건축의 보이드 특성을 적용한 패션디자인 개발

이용수 3

Development of Fashion Design Applying the Void Characteristics of Rem Koolhaas’s Architecture
충북대학교 생활과학연구소
한옥희(Ok-hee Han) 최윤미(Yoon-mi Choi)
간행물 정보
『생활과학연구논총』제28권 제3호, 111~127쪽, 전체 17쪽
자연과학 > 생활/식품과학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Background/Objectives: This study focuses on a design approach that prioritizes the void, or empty space, between the garment and the human body in fashion design. Clothing is worn on a moving human body, creating a changing space. As space and form in garments are inseparable, studying the void—the space between the garment and body—is essential for advanced form design. This study considers void as the main factor, and intends to understand the shape of clothing centering on void and propose a new design method. Methods: The research methodology consists of theoretical study and design development. The theoretical study examines the concept of the void in Rem Koolhaas' architecture and its philosophical implications, extracting relevant characteristics. These characteristics are then analyzed in relation to fashion design through case studies of works by Issey Miyake and Julian Roberts. Design development uses geometric plane patterns and Subtraction Cutting to develop six works by referring to the analysis of void fashion cases. Results: The void characteristics of Rem Koolhaas’ architecture were applied to void fashion design with void priority, indeterminate openness, ambiguous boundaries and heterogeneity, generative multiplicity, and wearer's design completion. By using geometric plane patterns that do not follow the shape of the human body and Subtraction Cutting, voids with uncertain shapes are considered first. By using various decorative methods, a void with ambiguous and heterogeneous boundaries, a void of a generative multiplicity whose shape changes with movement and flexibility, and a void fashion design in which the style is completed by the wearer were developed. Conclusion/Implications: The significance of this study lies in expanding the perspective on form design by exploring the void—the free space between the body and the garment-and developing new methods for designing innovative forms.

영문 초록


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
Ⅳ. 결과 및 논의
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언


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한옥희(Ok-hee Han),최윤미(Yoon-mi Choi). (2024).렘 콜하스 건축의 보이드 특성을 적용한 패션디자인 개발. 생활과학연구논총, 28 (3), 111-127


한옥희(Ok-hee Han),최윤미(Yoon-mi Choi). "렘 콜하스 건축의 보이드 특성을 적용한 패션디자인 개발." 생활과학연구논총, 28.3(2024): 111-127

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