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Organizer Competency and B2B Exhibition Performance: The Mediating Role of Exhibitor Motivation

이용수 42

Organizer Competency and B2B Exhibition Performance: The Mediating Role of Exhibitor Motivation
유치연(Chi-Yeon You) 정연승(Yeon-Sung Jung) 김정근(Junggeun Kim) 노태우(Taewoo Roh)
간행물 정보
『Journal of Korea Trade (JKT)』Vol.28 No.3, 93~117쪽, 전체 25쪽
경제경영 > 무역학

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Purpose - This study aims to explore the significance of organizer competency in B2B exhibitions in South Korea. Drawing on previous literature in the exhibition context, this research empirically examines the impact of organizer competency on exhibition performance and investigates the mediating role of exhibiting firms’ motivation to participate. Motivation is deconstructed into the quality of attendees and market-oriented motivation for a detailed analysis. Design/Methodology - The empirical model of this study considers the relationship between organizer competency and exhibition performance in B2B exhibitions from a resource-based view. To accurately reflect the unique characteristics of B2B exhibitions, we surveyed firms that participated in the Korea International Boat Show. Consequently, the hypotheses of this study were tested through a structural equation model with 85 valid samples. Findings - The findings of this study are twofold: First, we confirm that the competency of exhibition organizers significantly and positively impacts exhibition performance. Secondly, we identify that both motivational factors—quality of attendees and market-oriented motivation— positively influence exhibition performance. Originality/value - Previous studies have overlooked organizer competency as a driver to enhance exhibition performance. However, this study demonstrates that organizer competency positively influences exhibition performance, mediated by the quality of attendees and market-oriented motivation. Furthermore, unlike most previous studies focused on regions such as China and Hong Kong, we analyze our research within the context of the Korean B2B industry.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Hypothesis Development
4. Method
5. Empirical Results
6. Conclusion and Discussion


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유치연(Chi-Yeon You),정연승(Yeon-Sung Jung),김정근(Junggeun Kim),노태우(Taewoo Roh). (2024).Organizer Competency and B2B Exhibition Performance: The Mediating Role of Exhibitor Motivation. Journal of Korea Trade (JKT), 28 (3), 93-117


유치연(Chi-Yeon You),정연승(Yeon-Sung Jung),김정근(Junggeun Kim),노태우(Taewoo Roh). "Organizer Competency and B2B Exhibition Performance: The Mediating Role of Exhibitor Motivation." Journal of Korea Trade (JKT), 28.3(2024): 93-117

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