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'인구집단의 건강관리'에 대한 프로그램 학습성과 평가체계 개발을 위한 기초 연구

이용수 130

Basic Research on the Development of Program Learning Outcomes Evaluation System for “Population Health Management”
최은주(Eun Ju, Choi) 박선정(Sun Jung, Park) 곽근혜(Keun Hye, Kwak) 오수민(Su Min, Oh) 김정숙(Chung Sook, Kim) 배소현(So Hyun, Bae) 이나경(Na Kyoung, Lee)
간행물 정보
『한국간호연구학회지』제8권 제1호, 15~30쪽, 전체 16쪽
의약학 > 간호학

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1:1 문의
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Purpose : This study aims to explore and suggest directions for the assessment system of 'PO3 Population Health Management', providing foundational data for the establishment of an evaluation system in nursing education institutions. Methods : A mixed-methods research design, utilizing the convergent design of the mixed study, was employed. Survey data related to the measurement items for 'PO3 Population Health Management' were collected from 45 nurses and nursing professors. This quantitative data was utilized to assess the needs and importance of these measurement items. Additionally, eight focus group interviews were conducted to explore and identify the exploration and improvement needs of the evaluation system for 'PO3 Population Health Management.' Results : The needs (2.25±1.32) and importance (2.94±0.87) of 'PO3 Population Health Management' were statistically significant for all 44 extracted courses. According to the findings from the focus group interviews, it was emphasized that the nursing competencies and educational direction necessary for 'PO3 Population Health Management' should focus on understanding the characteristics of population groups and exploring the necessity of health management. Conclusion : This study has concretely derived the content of the educational process for achieving program learning outcomes in 'PO3 Population Health Management'. It proposes the establishment of an evaluation system for 'PO3 Population Health Management' to enhance the quality of education and establish a self-reinforcing cycle for continuous improvement.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과
Ⅳ. 논의
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언


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최은주(Eun Ju, Choi),박선정(Sun Jung, Park),곽근혜(Keun Hye, Kwak),오수민(Su Min, Oh),김정숙(Chung Sook, Kim),배소현(So Hyun, Bae),이나경(Na Kyoung, Lee). (2024).'인구집단의 건강관리'에 대한 프로그램 학습성과 평가체계 개발을 위한 기초 연구. 한국간호연구학회지, 8 (1), 15-30


최은주(Eun Ju, Choi),박선정(Sun Jung, Park),곽근혜(Keun Hye, Kwak),오수민(Su Min, Oh),김정숙(Chung Sook, Kim),배소현(So Hyun, Bae),이나경(Na Kyoung, Lee). "'인구집단의 건강관리'에 대한 프로그램 학습성과 평가체계 개발을 위한 기초 연구." 한국간호연구학회지, 8.1(2024): 15-30

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