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철도 인프라 BIM 협업 전략에 관한 연구

이용수 12

A Study on the Building Information Modeling Collaboration Strategy for Railway Infrastructure: Case Study and Survey
김성아 김진만 신민호
간행물 정보
『KIBIM Magazine』12권 4호, 116~127쪽, 전체 12쪽
공학 > 건축공학

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Building Information Modeling, which was applied mainly in the construction sector, is expanding to the road sector, and the government recently recommends preparing individual application guidelines considering the characteristics of detailed fields such as railways, ports, and complexes through BIM implementation guidelines. Compared to general construction projects, a lot of the works such as signals, electricity, and power, and the railway BIM 2030 roadmap has been presented to apply BIM to railway construction projects that require business consultation and work environment review with various local governments, and pilot projects are in operation. Unlike a general building, in which the construction begins after the detailed design is completed, in the railway project, the detailed design of other works proceeds along with the roadbed construction. Because construction and design work together, railways need to coordinate detailed engineering interfaces such as trajectories, signals, and power, and the application of BIM in design interface coordination has the advantage of maximizing the effectiveness of pre-review. Overseas railway construction projects actively used BIM to adjust design interfaces and had a collaboration process to modify BIM models and create construction details from the revised models through regular meetings with suppliers. Therefore, this study aims to derive the factors necessary for establishing a BIM collaboration environment based on a survey of practitioners as a preliminary step for establishing the BIM collaboration process of the railway construction project.


1. 서 론
2. BIM 협업 요인 도출
3. BIM 협업 전략 도출을 위한 설문 설계
4. 조사 및 분석
5. 향후 연구 진행 방향 및 결론
감사의 글


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김성아,김진만,신민호. (2022).철도 인프라 BIM 협업 전략에 관한 연구. KIBIM Magazine, 12 (4), 116-127


김성아,김진만,신민호. "철도 인프라 BIM 협업 전략에 관한 연구." KIBIM Magazine, 12.4(2022): 116-127

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