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수명 연장 및 안전성 향상을 위한 경수로 제어봉 중성자 흡수체 소재 기술 개발 현황

이용수 24

Development Status of Control Rod Neutron Absorber Materials for Light Water Reactors with Extended Control Rod Lifetime and Enhanced Safety
김동주 양재호 김동석 윤지해 이흥수 임광영 김재용
간행물 정보
『세라미스트』제25권 제4호, 475~486쪽, 전체 12쪽
공학 > 화학공학

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The control rod neutron absorbers for light water reactors with extended control rod lifetime and enhanced safety are being developed. It is an innovative material concept that can extend the lifetime by reducing irradiation-induced swelling compared to the existing control rod neutron absorber materials by utilizing the oxide-based materials. Furthermore, it can enhance the safety by improving various characteristics such as oxidation, eutectic reaction, volatilization behaviors of neutron absorber material. First, the oxide-based composition composed of a combination of neutron absorbers and structure stabilizers has been designed as material candidates for neutron absorber materials for control rods. The preliminary manufacturability test of the designed neutron absorber material candidates, and it has been confirmed a possibility that the designed material candidates can be fabricated using the conventional ceramic manufacturing process. In addition, the neutronic calculation/analysis and various out-of-pile tests (neutron absorber phase stability, oxidation and corrosion resistance, interaction and eutectic reaction between neutron absorber material and control rod tube material, melting behavior, etc.) are in progress. It has been also preparing the in-reactor swelling test of the selected material candidates at the HANARO research reactor in KAERI.


1. 서론
2. 제어봉 중성자 흡수체 소재 후보 설계
3. 제어봉 중성자 흡수체 소재 후보 제조성 평가
4. 요약 및 향후 계획


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김동주,양재호,김동석,윤지해,이흥수,임광영,김재용. (2022).수명 연장 및 안전성 향상을 위한 경수로 제어봉 중성자 흡수체 소재 기술 개발 현황. 세라미스트, 25 (4), 475-486


김동주,양재호,김동석,윤지해,이흥수,임광영,김재용. "수명 연장 및 안전성 향상을 위한 경수로 제어봉 중성자 흡수체 소재 기술 개발 현황." 세라미스트, 25.4(2022): 475-486

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