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국가재난 시 간호학과 교내 임상실습 가이드라인 개발을 위한 기초 연구

이용수 82

A Preliminary Study for the Development of Guidelines In-Nursing School Clinical Practice Education for A National Disaster
최귀윤(Gui Yun, Choi) 최은진(Eun Jin, Choi) 부윤정(Yun Jeong, Boo) 성미라(Mi Ra, Sung) 정희영(Hee Young, Jung)
간행물 정보
『한국간호연구학회지』제6권 제4호, 17~28쪽, 전체 12쪽
의약학 > 간호학

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Purpose : The purpose of this study is to examine and understand the basic data for developing in-school clinical practice education guidelines that can replace the nursing department’s field practice education in the event of national disasters such as COVID-19. Method : As a content analysis study using the focus group interviews, a total of 3 interviews were conducted with 13 nursing professors who were serving at the nursing colleges in 9 areas and who have had experiences in operating the in-school clinical practice. Results : In the area of practical education operation, the components of practice type, practice hours, the number of appropriately placement of students per practice unit, practice instructor, learning outcomes and practice goal setting, and the evaluation and management of academic achievement were derived. In terms of the practical education contents area, the composition of education content, practice method, and evaluation were derived. In terms of the practice education environment and system area, the components of contactless and face-to-face practice environment, regulations and operating system were derived. Conclusion : In the event of a disaster such as COVID-19, in order to maintain the quality of practice like field practice education and equip the nursing students with the nursing competency, while at the same time reducing the burdens of clinical practice operation in nursing colleges and avoiding confusion, standardized in-school practice education related operational guidelines need to be developed, and towards this end, the in-depth discussions between various clinical settings, academia and government ought to be held.



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최귀윤(Gui Yun, Choi),최은진(Eun Jin, Choi),부윤정(Yun Jeong, Boo),성미라(Mi Ra, Sung),정희영(Hee Young, Jung). (2022).국가재난 시 간호학과 교내 임상실습 가이드라인 개발을 위한 기초 연구. 한국간호연구학회지, 6 (4), 17-28


최귀윤(Gui Yun, Choi),최은진(Eun Jin, Choi),부윤정(Yun Jeong, Boo),성미라(Mi Ra, Sung),정희영(Hee Young, Jung). "국가재난 시 간호학과 교내 임상실습 가이드라인 개발을 위한 기초 연구." 한국간호연구학회지, 6.4(2022): 17-28

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