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밀 줄녹병 저항성 유전 육종 주요 연구 동향

이용수 29

Research Advances in Wheat Breeding and Genetics for Stripe Rust Resistance
김경민(Kyeong-Min Kim) 조성우(Seong-Woo Cho) 강천식(Chon-Sik Kang) 김경훈(Kyeong-Hoon Kim) 최창현(Chang-Hyun Choi) 손재한(Jae-Han Son) 박철수(Chul Soo Park) 모영준(Youngjun Mo)
간행물 정보
『한국육종학회지』Vol.52 No.2, 93~103쪽, 전체 11쪽
농수해양 > 기타농수해양

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Stripe rust (or yellow rust) caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici is the major wheat disease responsible for deterioratingglobal wheat yield and quality. Although stripe rust appears to be prevalent mainly in temperate areas, new races adapting to high temperaturehave recently appeared in warmer areas, such as Australia, the Middle East, and Africa, increasing the threat to global food security. Amongthe approximately 80 reported genes for stripe rust resistance, six (Yr5, Yr7, Yr15, Yr18, Yr36, Yr46) have been cloned. Stripe rust resistancegenes are generally classified into race-specific (or all-stage) and non-race-specific (or high temperature adult plant) resistance genes. Whileresistance conferred by most race-specific genes are overcome by the appearance of new pathogen races within few years, non-race-specificgenes, such as Yr18, Yr36, and Yr46, provide more durable resistance and are often stable for several decades. Yr18/Lr34/Sr57/Pm38 andYr46/Lr67/Sr55/Pm46 are especially useful in breeding as they confer resistance to leaf rust, stem rust, and powdery mildew as well as striperust. Unlike the extensive global research efforts, few studies have been conducted in Korea regarding breeding and genetics for stripe rustresistance. To prevent damage by stripe rust in advance, it is important to monitor the changes in major pathogen races in Korea, evaluatemajor wheat breeding lines and landraces for stripe rust resistance by establishing an efficient screening system, and introduce new germplasmwith various resistance genes. Reinforcing wheat molecular genetics and genomics capacity is also important to enable identification of newstripe rust resistance genes and efficient transfer of the novel genes into elite wheat cultivars using molecular markers.


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김경민(Kyeong-Min Kim),조성우(Seong-Woo Cho),강천식(Chon-Sik Kang),김경훈(Kyeong-Hoon Kim),최창현(Chang-Hyun Choi),손재한(Jae-Han Son),박철수(Chul Soo Park),모영준(Youngjun Mo). (2020).밀 줄녹병 저항성 유전 육종 주요 연구 동향. 한국육종학회지, 52 (2), 93-103


김경민(Kyeong-Min Kim),조성우(Seong-Woo Cho),강천식(Chon-Sik Kang),김경훈(Kyeong-Hoon Kim),최창현(Chang-Hyun Choi),손재한(Jae-Han Son),박철수(Chul Soo Park),모영준(Youngjun Mo). "밀 줄녹병 저항성 유전 육종 주요 연구 동향." 한국육종학회지, 52.2(2020): 93-103

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