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[연구논문] 한국개신교회의 건축문화와 그 정체성 : 분당 신도시 근교의 교회건축이미지를 중심으로

이용수 76

한신대학교 신학사상연구소
간행물 정보
『신학사상』신학사상 2003년 가을호(제122집), 110~139쪽, 전체 30쪽
인문학 > 기독교신학

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이 학술논문 정보는 (주)교보문고와 각 발행기관 사이에 저작물 이용 계약이 체결된 것으로, 교보문고를 통해 제공되고 있습니다.

1:1 문의
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영문 초록

This study deals critically with the mission theology, its policy, and the cultural view of church. This is done by looking at the contrast between church buildings and their geographicai and environmental characteristics. This research is limited geographically to the churches located in Boondang new town area, and chronically to those built from 1995 to 2002, during whose period Boondang new town was set up. We find that Christian theology, imported from Europe and America, has not matured enough in Korea yet, and still keeps a strong reflection of western colonial theology in Korea. In this research we consider how the western colonial theology has affected the architectural form and liturgical setting of Korean churches until now. We will see how the image of European medieval Gothic styles and castles which Korean churches modelled themselves after has influenced Korean religious structures in their way. The common features found in these religious structures of the particular style in Boondang area are as follows: 1. Most of the large churches have been built destructively, regardless of surrounding scenery and environment. 2. Tbe large churches are located far from residential district in distance, so that they do not form close relationship with local residents. This triggers them to regard the church-goers as self-interested group. 3. These Korean churches do not have a close tie with Korean traditional culture and style. 4. The features found in Disney Land, 'love hotel", and wedding halls are embedded in Korean churches in terms of form as contemporary style of postmodern architecture. 5. They show formal superficiality by trying to make themselves appear distinct, disregarding theology and liturgy. One of my suggestions is made as folIows: We need to reform the consciousness of church constituents to include architects, clergymen, and theologians. This can be done in course of basic education. As long as the content and curriculum


1. 역사신학과 이미지
2. 연구목적과 의의 및 그 범위와 방법론
3. 교회건축물의 특징과 신학적 비평
4. 한국 교회건축의 정체성
5. 결언


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이정구. (2003).[연구논문] 한국개신교회의 건축문화와 그 정체성 : 분당 신도시 근교의 교회건축이미지를 중심으로. 신학사상, 122 , 110-139


이정구. "[연구논문] 한국개신교회의 건축문화와 그 정체성 : 분당 신도시 근교의 교회건축이미지를 중심으로." 신학사상, 122.(2003): 110-139

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