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공적 책임시대에 공중의 관여도 및 성향에 따른 사과메시지 수용

이용수 70

Accepting Apology Message according to Public Involvement and Tendency in Public Responsibility Age
백진숙(Jin-sook Paek) 김진욱(Jin-wook Kim)
간행물 정보
『한국지방행정학보』제14권 제2호, 119~138쪽, 전체 20쪽
사회과학 > 행정학

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This study analyzes the relationship and influence of variables on public perception of politicians crisis management messages. And to suggest the direction of message strategy to improve public awareness. Especially, it can understand the characteristics of apologies and implement message strategy effectively. I suggest the following. First, political attitudes and image of politicians have a great influence on the factors of political attitude and the audience effects of message strategy. Therefore, the use of the crisis communication message strategy should be selected considering the political involvement of the public and the image of politicians. Second, the public is most positive about the strategy of apology. The public perceives that politicians are less accountable for the apology strategy. Despite the fact that the apology strategy acknowledges its responsibility or fault for the incident, it can be rather generous. Third, the attack message strategy is high in the truth and reputation recovery. This is true and acceptable to the public in situations where the use of a defensive strategy is unaware of the facts. It can also have a positive impact on the recovery of reputation. Finally, justification messages should be avoided. The justification is perceived to be very negative in terms of the audience influence of the public. Justification is located in the middle of the crisis message type of Coombs (1996). This is perceived as a behavior that is not clear or apologetic, but an ambiguous attitude or avoidance. It is also possible that the Korean emotions and political situation are reflected in the results.


I. 문제제기
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구문제 및 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언


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백진숙(Jin-sook Paek),김진욱(Jin-wook Kim). (2017).공적 책임시대에 공중의 관여도 및 성향에 따른 사과메시지 수용. 한국지방행정학보, 14 (2), 119-138


백진숙(Jin-sook Paek),김진욱(Jin-wook Kim). "공적 책임시대에 공중의 관여도 및 성향에 따른 사과메시지 수용." 한국지방행정학보, 14.2(2017): 119-138

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