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목재펠릿시스템의 대체투자 가능성 분석 - 시설과채 사례 -

이용수 84

Replacement Investment with Pallet Fuel System in Greenhouse Fruit and Vegetables
김성섭(Seongsup Kim) 김태후(Taehoo Kim) 서상택(Sangtaek Seo)
간행물 정보
『농촌지도와 개발』25권 3호, 149~160쪽, 전체 12쪽
농수해양 > 기타농수해양

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1:1 문의
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This study aim ed to analyze the replacem ent investm ent of the diesel fuel system w ith the pallet fuel system in the Korean farm ing sector. Equivalent annual annuity approach w as used to resolve a discrepancy of useful life in capital goods and to facilitate investm ent analyses in an independent perspective. D ata w as obtained from previous studies on econom ic analysis of greenhouse tom ato, paprika and cucum ber. Results show ed that the replacem ent w ith the pallet fuel system w as acceptable irrespective of the rem aining period of useful life for the diesel fuel system . In addition, sensitivity analysis w ith governm ent support level, repair cost, and light and heat energy cost show ed robustness in the possibility of replacem ent w ith the pallet fuel system w hile the speed of replacem ent w as accelerated w ith an increase in the am ount of diesel fuel used and price of diesel fuel, and a decrease in price of the pallet fuel. The result im plied that the replacem ent investm ent rather than a new investm ent w as appropriate for existing greenhouse farm ers and the pallet fuel system w as acceptable to replace existing diesel fuel system in producing greenhouse tom ato, paprika and cucum ber.


1. 서론
2. 선행연구
3. 연구방법
4. 연구결과
5. 결론


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김성섭(Seongsup Kim),김태후(Taehoo Kim),서상택(Sangtaek Seo). (2018).목재펠릿시스템의 대체투자 가능성 분석 - 시설과채 사례 -. 농촌지도와 개발, 25 (3), 149-160


김성섭(Seongsup Kim),김태후(Taehoo Kim),서상택(Sangtaek Seo). "목재펠릿시스템의 대체투자 가능성 분석 - 시설과채 사례 -." 농촌지도와 개발, 25.3(2018): 149-160

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