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대학내 성폭력ㆍ성희롱 예방을 위한 제도 개선방안 연구

이용수 326

Improving the Prevention of Sexual Assault and Harassment on Campus
한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원)
이미정(Mi jeong Lee) 장미혜(Mi Hye Chang) 김보화(Bo Hwa Kim) 김성애
간행물 정보
『한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서』2013 연구보고서(수시과제) 13, 1~129쪽, 전체 129쪽
사회과학 > 여성학

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국문 초록

Ⅰ. 서론 1. 연구의 목적 및 필요성 우리나라 성희롱 관련 업무를 관장하는 국가인권위원회에서는 "성희롱"을 평등권을 침해하는 차별행위로 규정하고 있다. 대학 내 성희롱은 피해자의 성적 자기결정권 뿐만 아니라, 학습권과 대학 공동체 면학 분위기를 해치는 행위이다. 그러나 우리나라에는 아직 교육기관 내 성차별 금지 법령이 따로 없어 대학 내성폭력ㆍ성희롱으로 인한 교육권 침해를 방조하게 된다. 성의 개방화 및 잘못된 성의식 등으로 인하여 성폭력ㆍ성희롱에 대한 위험은 커진 반면, 이에 대한 대학의 대처역량은 미흡한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 대학내 성폭력ㆍ성희롱 예방 및 고충처리와 관련된 법제도 및 대학내 현황 및 문제점을 검토하고, 이를 토대로 정부와 대학차원의 개선방안을 제시하려고 한다. 성폭력ㆍ성희롱 예방을 강화하고 고충처리에 신속하게 대응하여 대학의 다수 구성원인 학생의 성평등한 교육권을 보장하는 것은 중요한 과제이다.

영문 초록

The college and university authorities should be primarily responsible for the prevention of and prompt response to sexual assault and harassment occurred on college and university campuses as those sexually discriminatory acts put restrictions on the students' right to learning. However, current laws regarding sexual assault and harassment have limitations in addressing those issues on campus. Especially laws related to sexual harassment are mainly focused on the employment relations in the workplace and there is no separate law to deal with the prevention of and response to that problem in the higher education institutions. The prevention of and response to sexual harassment varies by college and university, and relies heavily on their individual policies and/or the commitment of college and university president. Pursuant to the Framework Act on Women's Development, a public or-shall establish an official channel to address complaints regarding sexual harassment. The following issues have been identified in relation to sexual harassment on campus. First, 81.6% of colleges and universities have such a channel as a subsidiary body within the student counseling or administration department, not as an independent department. Second, the low presence of the complaint-handling body on campus makes smooth implementation of its role difficult. Third, there are no qualifications available for the person in charge of such a body and, more often than not, it is controlled by a non-expert in the field such as a school administrator. Fourth, depending on the individual characteristics of the issues, both arbitration and disciplinary actions should be taken into account. Yet, currently, the focus tends to be only on the disciplinary punishment against the offenders. Fifth, there is a lack of clear standards for examining and determining disciplinary actions, which leads to differences between colleges and universities in the degrees of punishment of similar violations. Both the government and institutions for higher education should do more in order to strengthen the prevention of and response to sexual assault and harassment on campus. The following outlines the role of the government: First, a new provision should be added to the Framework Act on Education, "The president of a college and university is responsible for the prevention of and response to sexual assault and harassment on campus, and restrictions will be placed on the education support budget for a college/university that fails to implement such actions." Second, the item of the prevention of and response to sexual assault and harassment should be added to college and university assessment. Third, the laws regarding the establishment of a complaint-handling body related to sexual harassment should be realigned to provide a guideline for defining the type of the body and the qualifications of employees. Fourth, the scope of issues covered by the National Human Rights Commission to be widened to sexual harassment cases between students, between a student and employees of the college and university so that the victim can take his/her case to the Commission. Fifth, the manuals for addressing sexual assault and harassment issues and the guidelines for examining and determining disciplinary actions should be created. Sixth, the designation of a department should be put in place within the government with regard to the prevention and response to sexual assault and harassment. The following is the role of college and university authorities: First, the complaint-handling channel related to sexual assault and harassment should be established and strengthened as an independent body, and the role of the head of such a body should be expressly stipulated in writing. Second, expertise of the person in charge of providing counseling should be ensured through qualifications and training, his/her working environment should be improved, and the legal support for that person shoul


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 대학생 성폭력ㆍ성희롱 발생 실태
Ⅲ. 대학내 성폭력ㆍ성희롱 규제배경 및 관련법
Ⅳ. 대학내 성폭력ㆍ성희롱 관련 법, 예방, 고충처리의 문제점
Ⅴ. 정책제언


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이미정(Mi jeong Lee),장미혜(Mi Hye Chang),김보화(Bo Hwa Kim),김성애. (2013).대학내 성폭력ㆍ성희롱 예방을 위한 제도 개선방안 연구. 한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서, 2013 (50-13), 1-129


이미정(Mi jeong Lee),장미혜(Mi Hye Chang),김보화(Bo Hwa Kim),김성애. "대학내 성폭력ㆍ성희롱 예방을 위한 제도 개선방안 연구." 한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서, 2013.50-13(2013): 1-129

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