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Design Conditions for Dolphin Berth by Tanker Fleet Analysis

이용수 8

강석진(Seok-Jin KANG) 이중우(Joong-Woo LEE) 이동현(Dong-Hyun LEE) 김희재(Hee-Jae KIM)
간행물 정보
『한국항해항만학회지』제37권 제6호, 647~653쪽, 전체 7쪽
공학 > 해양공학

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Energy acquisition due to the increase of oil price is one of the most important issues and policy for most countries. Various tankers have been built in the world and sent to the trade market. It is necessary to build the port infrastructure and facilities to give them proper services such as mooring, packing, storing, and transshipment, etc. However, the domestic guidelines or standards for design and construction for the dolphin berth among these facilities are out of date and do not meet the recent trend of tanker types. Therefore, it requires amendment on the guidelines or standards. In this study, a detailed analysis of the tanker fleet, covering 8,000 ships under operation and order to build, is made to estimate the proper PBL(Parallel Body Length) of each tanker class. After discussion and comparison on the dolphin berth design and construction codes of various countries, those are the leading countries of tanker operation and management, suggestion was made to amend on the design code. The referred codes are of Korea, Japan, UK, USA, and Canada. The analysis of tanker fleet shows the PBL as 0.45L under the normal ballast condition. In order to verify the deduced amendment on the domestic design code for dolphin berth, it was selected one of the domestic dolphin berth, located at the Yeosu oil terminal, which is almost completed to construct. The design criteria and expected tankers to moor in that terminal were analyzed and the appropriateness and countermeasure for deficiency were summarized.


1. Background and Object
2. Design Consideration on Dolphin Berth
3. Comparison of Design Conditions for Dolphin Berth
4. Trend Analysis of Tanker and Status of Dolphin Berth
5. Site Analysis of Dolphin Berth Design
6. Conclusion and Suggestion


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강석진(Seok-Jin KANG),이중우(Joong-Woo LEE),이동현(Dong-Hyun LEE),김희재(Hee-Jae KIM). (2013).Design Conditions for Dolphin Berth by Tanker Fleet Analysis. 한국항해항만학회지, 37 (6), 647-653


강석진(Seok-Jin KANG),이중우(Joong-Woo LEE),이동현(Dong-Hyun LEE),김희재(Hee-Jae KIM). "Design Conditions for Dolphin Berth by Tanker Fleet Analysis." 한국항해항만학회지, 37.6(2013): 647-653

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