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옥한흠 목사의 지도력과 사랑의교회

이용수 174

The Leadership of Rev. Ok Hanhum and Sarangkyohoe Church
백종구(Jong Koo Paik)
간행물 정보
『교회사학』第4卷 第1號, 31~48쪽, 전체 18쪽
인문학 > 기독교신학

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  The purpose of this study is to describe how Rev. Ok Han-hum has succeeded to induce his Christian fellows to act for his pastoral goals of discipleship-training, which embodied his pastoral ideal, and thereby to examine how his pastoral leadership has been constructed and exercised. This study is divided into the three parts. Following the introduction the first part analyzes the factors which serve to motivate the members of his church Sarang Community Church to agree with, and obey, his pastorate. The second part describes the educational program, and the administrative organization, of the Sarang Community Church as the means to realize the pastoral ideal and goals of Rev. Ok Han-hum. The third part examines how the members of Sarang Community Church have responded to the pastorate of the Rev. Ok Han-hum.
  The result shows that it is the theological and pastoral background of his denomination, his gentle personality, and his preaching skill, which motivated his congregation to act for his pastoral goals. The pastoral goals of the Rev. Ok have been realized jointly by developing a systematic education program of discipleship-training and strategically appointing the lay leaders to the main posts of Sarang Community Church organization. The tangible influences the Rev. Ok has exerted on his congregation are found in the teaching activities of the small group lay leaders, the evangelical zeal, the social welfare activities, and the church growth of Sarang Community Church.


1. 서론
2. 옥한흠 목사의 지도력 형성 기반
3. 옥한흠 목사의 목회 이상과 목표의 제도화
4. 결론


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백종구(Jong Koo Paik). (2005).옥한흠 목사의 지도력과 사랑의교회. 교회사학, 4 (1), 31-48


백종구(Jong Koo Paik). "옥한흠 목사의 지도력과 사랑의교회." 교회사학, 4.1(2005): 31-48

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