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유가 사상과 성별 분업

이용수 274

Confucian Ideology and Gender Division of Labor
이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원
조순경(CHO Soon-Kyoung)
간행물 정보
『여성학논집』제18집, 177~193쪽, 전체 17쪽
사회과학 > 여성학

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1:1 문의
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In Confucian culture, gender division of labor is carried out through spatial segregation by sex in everyday life. This spatial segregation is the byproduct of control over a woman's body and her sexuality. In traditional Korean society, four methods used to keep a woman chaste were as follows: (1) classifying women as asexual beings (2) minimizing physical and visual contact between the opposing sexes (3) pigeonholing the female body and female sexuality into a role of reproduction of labor power (4) physically segregating women and men. This paper will analyze the mechanisms through which the ideology of gender division of labor is carried out in Confucian culture. According to Confucian teachings, (1) women should not concern themselves with matters outside of her own household, (2) in everyday life, contact between females and males should be kept to a minimum, and (3) the opposing sexes should distance themselves physically. Conversely, men should not interest themselves in matters concerning the workings of their household. These Confucian principles surrounding the gender division of labor are still prevalent in today's culture. The reason that Confucian-based gender division of labor still prevails strongly in modem Korean society is due to the woman's position in the Korean family structure. The mentality of traditional Korean society was one in which the woman should not receive sustaining goods but from her husband and his family. Korean women in a traditional Confucian society should not be seen outside the sphere of their own household. Not only was it forbidden to be visible, a woman should also not have voiced their own opinions. Because of this extreme form of gender division of labor, Korean women have generally been excluded from the production and circulation of knowledge. This limited the knowledge base of Korea to the males of the ruling class. Because of this unbalanced knowledge production between the genders, the ideology of gender division of labor has rooted itself strongly in Korean society.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 유교적 성차와 남녀유별관의 생성
Ⅲ. 성역할과 예적 질서
Ⅳ. 성별분업과 천리(天理)
Ⅴ. 정명(正名)사상과 성별분업의 합리화
Ⅵ. 유교의 사회적 분업론 : 신분제적 노동관
Ⅶ. 차별구조의 재생산 : 예적 통치의 경제성


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조순경(CHO Soon-Kyoung). (2001).유가 사상과 성별 분업. 여성학논집, 18 , 177-193


조순경(CHO Soon-Kyoung). "유가 사상과 성별 분업." 여성학논집, 18.(2001): 177-193

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