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진리의 충만함을 향해 가는 교회(「계시헌장」8항)

이용수 55

The Church Moving towards the Fullness of the Truth: the Theological Foundation for the Synodal Process in Dialogue and the Communication
간행물 정보
『Catholic Theology and Thought』No.87, 90~133쪽, 전체 44쪽
인문학 > 종교학

구매일시로부터 72시간 이내에 다운로드 가능합니다.
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In this study we try to clarify the theological foundation of dialogue and communication for the continuous realization of synodality and to propose its necessary mechanism. Actually, dialogue and mutual communication are very important and a matrix in the realization of synodality. The Church, the pillar and the support of the Truth, was born of the Truth, proclaims It and also goes forward toward Its fullness. The concept related to the transmission of the Truth is Tradition, according to the teachings of the Vatican Council II, Traditio viva. Understanding of this living Tradition grows through meditation and study of faithfuls, the intelligence on the spiritual experiences and the preaching of the magisterium. Therefore, not only magisterium but also the whole people of God is the active subject in the transmission of the Truth. God's people exercise this role by virtue of Sensus Fidei which is the gift of the Spirit. The magisterium and the Sensus Fidei of the people of God are in a mutual and circular relationship. This relationship, in the exercise of the prophetic office, can also be extended to the entire life of Church. Therefore, it can be said that for the realization of synodality, are required mutual listening, dialogue and communication, whose characteristics must be multidirectional. The synodal process takes place through three phases of listening, discernment and exercise. However, this process is not linear but circular. Transparency is also needed so that this process takes place effectively. When the Church, a bride worthy of Lord, lives in this way, she can be the model of the dialogue and communication in the World today.


1. 서론
2. 계시진리의 전달에서 사도적 성전
3. 하느님 백성의 신앙 감각과 교도권의 관계
4. 시노달리타스 실현을 위하여: 대화와 소통의 다방향성
5. 결론: 주님의 어엿한 신부, 대화와 소통의 모델이기를 희망하며


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최현순. (2022).진리의 충만함을 향해 가는 교회(「계시헌장」8항). Catholic Theology and Thought, (), 90-133


최현순. "진리의 충만함을 향해 가는 교회(「계시헌장」8항)." Catholic Theology and Thought, (2022): 90-133

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