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Transition from church school-centered education to family-centered Christian faith education

이용수 18

이정관(Jeung Gwan Lee)
간행물 정보
『기독교교육 논총』제69집, 9~44쪽, 전체 36쪽
인문학 > 기독교신학

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The purpose of this study is to restore religious education at home. Currently, Korean church education is facing a crisis. First, there is a decrease in the number of children in the church due to the problem of the low fertility rate. Second, the number of young people leaving the church is increasing. As a result, Maneun Church and church schools are being reduced or closed. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to change from church school-centered education to family-centered faith education. This is because the restoration of faith education is also connected with the restoration of the Korean church in crisis. As an alternative to overcome the current crisis of church education, it is necessary to return to the original form of religious education. In other words, we must return to the way God commanded religious education through parents at home. The most important thing is to overcome and recover from the absence of religious education at home. A Christian home becomes a place of education that fulfills the primary responsibility of religious education for children. God has given his parents the primary authority and responsibility for the religious education of their children. However, amid changes in society and home, the educational function of the home was entrusted to other educational institutions or specialized teachers. Parents of Christian families tend to delegate their children s religious education to church schools by neglecting their educational authority and responsibility. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to reinforce that parents should have a Christian view of faith education and become the main agents of their children s faith education. Parents have the authority, responsibility, and duty as teachers for religious education given by God. The educational authority and responsibility of parents originate from God. God has commanded his parents to bring up their children in faith. Therefore, for parents to become the main agents of their children s religious education, restoration is needed in Christian home education. Therefore, the task of restoring the Christian family as a place of effective Christian education and fulfilling the educational mission of faith that God has given to parents is, first, that parents and the church must recognize the importance of Christian home education anew. Second, parents must have the correct awareness and mission in the Christian view of children. The mission of parents in a Christian home is to teach, train, and admonish their children in the Lord so that they can live with Christian values. Third, the church should actively support home education and form a deep bond between church education and home education.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Situation of Christian Faith Education
Ⅲ. Restoration of the educational and religious functions of the family
Ⅳ. Faith Education in the Old and New Testaments
Ⅴ. Family-centered Christian faith education
Ⅵ. Conclusion


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이정관(Jeung Gwan Lee). (2022).Transition from church school-centered education to family-centered Christian faith education. 기독교교육 논총, 69 (1), 9-44


이정관(Jeung Gwan Lee). "Transition from church school-centered education to family-centered Christian faith education." 기독교교육 논총, 69.1(2022): 9-44

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