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A Study on the Nail Art Design of Andy Warhol s Works to Protect HUMAN NAIL DISASTER

이용수 22

Nahyeon Kim Jungsoon Choi Seona Baek
간행물 정보
『International Journal of Human & Disaster』vol.6 no.1, 36~44쪽, 전체 9쪽
복합학 > 학제간연구

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Purpose: Today, people take care of their appearance and show their own various personalities, and even though nails are a small part of fashion, hair, makeup, and nails, They manage, care, and complete the overall style to protect their nails from nail disaster. There are many hairstyles, makeup, and fashion using pop art, but few works using nail art, and the goal of this study is to broaden the scope of nails by applying bright colors, pop culture, and repetition, the main characteristics of representative pop art artist Andy Warhol. Method: First, the theoretical background of Andy Warhol and nail art will be examined. Second, the life and features of Andy Warhol s work will be analyzed. Third, the concept and expression technique of nail art will be analyzed. Fourth, based on the above research, a nail artwork will be created utilizing Andy Warhol s work as a motif. A research method will be conducted revolving around a domestic thesis, specialized books and a pop-art nail art design will be presented by applying Andy Warhol s work. Results: Artwork 1 was drawn with the motif of Superman after Andy Warhol quit commercial design and started fine art. Unlike the previous ones, it was drawn by separating Superman s body and the word Puff and the full of smoke deliver a feeling of a great explosion. Artwork 2 is a work with a motif of Green Coca-Cola bot-tles, and several Coca-Cola, the symbol of the United States, is characterized by being arranged in the same size. Artwork 3 is a work inspired by Campbell Soup, a representative icon of popular consumer culture that anyone can purchase. Conclusion: Since nail art is an artwork in which everything must be expressed in a small part of the nail, the study found that design can be made even in a small space of the nail by applying the characteristics of Andy Warhol s work. In this attempt, nail art aims to expand the scope of nail art by increasing research on nail art design using pop art as well as nail disaster and protection.


1. Introduction
2. Media-Based Learning
3. Research Method
4. Research Results
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Appendix


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Nahyeon Kim,Jungsoon Choi,Seona Baek. (2021).A Study on the Nail Art Design of Andy Warhol s Works to Protect HUMAN NAIL DISASTER. International Journal of Human & Disaster, 6 (1), 36-44


Nahyeon Kim,Jungsoon Choi,Seona Baek. "A Study on the Nail Art Design of Andy Warhol s Works to Protect HUMAN NAIL DISASTER." International Journal of Human & Disaster, 6.1(2021): 36-44

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