세복수초(Adonis multiflora) 추출물의 항암 활성
이용수 15
- 영문명
- Anticancer Effects of the Extracts of Adonis multiflora
- 발행기관
- 한국자원식물학회
- 저자명
- 한효상
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국자원식물학회지』제28권 제5호, 561~567쪽, 전체 7쪽
- 주제분류
- 농수해양 > 기타농수해양
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2015.10.30
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국문 초록
본 연구에서는 세복수초 추출물에 대한 항암활성을 평가하고자 간암세포주인 SK-Hep1 세포주에서 MTT를 통한 세포독성을 평가하고 자가포식(autophagy) 형성정도를 확인하였다. 또한, 종양형성능 측정(Xenograft assay)를 통하여 세복수초추출물에 대한 항암활성평가를 수행하였다. 그 결과 in vivo 및in vitro에서 모두 항암활성이 뛰어나게 나타났으며, 세복수초추출물의 항암작용은 자가포식(autophagy)을 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 세복수초 추출물은 in vitro 및 in vivo에서 모두LC3의 발현을 농도의존적으로 증가시켜며 p62의 발현을 억제시키는 것으로 확인되었으며, 따라서 세복수초 추출물은 자가포식(autophagy) 활성을 증가시켜 암세포의 세포사멸을 유도하는 것으로 판단되어 간암치료제 개발 및 간암치료제와의 병용요법 등 새로운 작용기전의 항암신약개발 소재로서의 가능성이 있음을 제시한다.
영문 초록
This study aims to evaluate the antitumor effect of Adonis multiflora, one of the plants in the Ranunculaceae, on mice to which hepatoma cells were transplanted and to suggest its possibility as a candidate natural substance to replace antitumor drugs. We performed the MTT assay to assess the extract had a decrease in the growth rate of hepatoma cells depending on concentration. In particular, 100 ㎍/㎖ of the extract showed 40% of growth retardation rate. We assessed the autophagy activity to identify the inhibitory autophagy mechanism of tumor cells in the extract. This proved that the activity increases more as the concentration of the extract is higher. We conducted the Western blot test to confirmed the expression of two proteins LC3 and p62. The expression of p62 was in inverse proportion to the concentration of the extract whereas LC3-Ⅱ increased more as the concentration of the extract was higher. This showed that an increase in the autophagy relies on the conentration of the extract. We performed a test to discover the influence of the extracts on hepatoma cells transplanted to mice. The test proved that the extract triggers a significant decrease in the growth rate of tumor cells. Compared to the start of the test, the size of tumor cells with 50, 100 and 200 ㎎/㎏ of the extract respectively increased by 4, 3.7 and 3.5 times whereas in the controlling group by 6.3 times. The size of tumor cells in benign tumor controlling group increased by 3.1 times. This showed a significant decrease in the growth rate of tumor cells compared to the controlling group. We carried out the experiment of influence of the extract on the expression of two proteins LC3 and p62 in the tumor tissue transplanted into mice. The experiment showed that LC3-II increases more as the concentration of the extract is higher. However, there was a rapid decrease in p62 with 200 ㎎/㎏ of the extract compared to the controlling group. In this study, we proved that the autophagy activity of Adonis multiflora extract inhibits the growth of hepatoma cells by in vitro and in vivo experiments. In conclusion, the inhibitory autophagy mechanism of tumor cells in the extract can be used as a new treatment of antitumor.
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