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[발표] 목회직의 혈통상의 계승은 정당한가?

이용수 18

Chongshin Theological Seminary, Christian Ethics/Systematic Theology
이상원(Sangwon Lee)
간행물 정보
『영성포럼』제31회, 50~70쪽, 전체 21쪽
인문학 > 기독교신학

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이 학술논문 정보는 (주)교보문고와 각 발행기관 사이에 저작물 이용 계약이 체결된 것으로, 교보문고를 통해 제공되고 있습니다.

1:1 문의
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영문 초록

The Scripture provides no direct answer to whether the pedigree succession of ministerial work is right or not. The Old Testament shows that ministerial work with family inheritance, the distinctive features typifying Jesus Christ, and royal power had been inherited in lineage. The New Testament gives no direct comment to the issue of pedigree succession of ministerial work. The cases of pedigree succession of ministerial work in the Old Testament cannot, however, function as role-models for the succession of ministerial work in and after the New Testament era. Acts and the Pauline Epistles, from which modern ministerial work originated directly, provide no case of the pedigree succession of works of church officers. Apostleship was never transferred to the next generation, not to mention that it was not inherited in lineage. Part of the works of the apostle, that is, the works such as caring the congregation and preaching the gospel, was entrusted to elders, but this entrustment was not done through succession. The congregation chose church officers newly regardless of their relation with former workers. When it chose them, it examined only whether applicants were equipped with capacities for works. When these church officers were chosen, it was never taken into account whether the applicants were descendents of former workers or not. We should be cautious, when we want to control the matters, to which the Scripture does not comment apparently, through canon laws, for it can raise incessant controversies such as reverse discrimination. The better way is to strengthen the articles of the canon law dealing with the true nature of ministerial work, that is, the serving characteristics of ministerial work, to legalize the articles restricting the intervention of ministers into the matter of church finance, and, as the result of it, to make the pedigree succeesion of ministerial work itself meaningless. In addition to this institutional devices it is needed to ask morally refraining from the pedigree succession of ministerial work, considering the negative public opinion about the pedigree succession of ministerial work is so aggravated that evangelisation may be seriously hindered.


들어가는 말
1. 교회직분의 계승
2. 목회직의 형성과 특성
3. 목회직과 교회재정
나가는 말


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이상원(Sangwon Lee). (2018).[발표] 목회직의 혈통상의 계승은 정당한가?. 영성포럼, 31 , 50-70


이상원(Sangwon Lee). "[발표] 목회직의 혈통상의 계승은 정당한가?." 영성포럼, 31.(2018): 50-70

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