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Advocacy Coalitions in Regulating Big Business in South Korea:

이용수 4

jiho Jang Sunhyuk Kim Chonghee Han
간행물 정보
『Korea Observer』Vol 41, No 2, 161~188쪽, 전체 28쪽
사회과학 > 정치외교학

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Although big businesses in South Korea, called chaebol, contributed 10 the countrγs rapid economic developmenι their man agement govemanæ has been ticized for its large and d iversified structure. ThUs, the Korean govemment has attempted 10 disperse their rale p∞ses5ions and 10 prom e independent managemenl of individual finns. Qf various chaebol-related regulations, govemment approval of holding compan.ies was one of the mos‘ conlroversial issues. Changes 10 Ihe hold ing company policy caused conflicts among policy act。야 including not only chaebol and relevanl governmental miniSlries bul also numerous non govemmenlal organizations (NGOs) and eCQnomi‘ ts. is article analyzes the chaebol holding company p icy in Korea by applying the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF). ln this case, policy participants did not simply act from political and econom.ic interests in the policy process. Rather, related minislers, researchers, NGO leaders and jouma1îsts had different interpretations of technical analysis and empirical dala aboul hold ing companies and approached the policy issue based on their own belief systems Especially, extemal po1icy brokersι such as the Intemational Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Devel opment, and the Intemational 8ank for Reconstruction and Devel opment, caused critical policy εhanges when the roles of d이nestic policy actors ‘ ere constrained


l. Introduction
ll. Theoretical Background on Policy Change
lll. Holding Company Policy and Advocacy Coalitions
IV. Extemal Parameters for Holding Company Policy
V. Holding Company Coalitions’ Interactions in Changing Rules
VJ. Condusion


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jiho Jang,Sunhyuk Kim,Chonghee Han. (2010).Advocacy Coalitions in Regulating Big Business in South Korea:. Korea Observer, 41 (2), 161-188


jiho Jang,Sunhyuk Kim,Chonghee Han. "Advocacy Coalitions in Regulating Big Business in South Korea:." Korea Observer, 41.2(2010): 161-188

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