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환경보건적 요소가 도시 내 폭염 취약성 평가 결과에 미치는 영향 분석

이용수 70

The Impact of Environmental Health Factors on Extreme-heat Vulnerability Assessment in a Metropolitan City
이원정(Won-jung Lee) 강재은(Jae-Eun Kang) 김유근(Yoo-Keun Kim)
간행물 정보
『1. 한국환경보건학회지』제39권 제6호, 492~504쪽, 전체 13쪽
공학 > 환경공학

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Objectives: This analysis seeks to evaluate the impact of environmental health factors (EHF; e.g. hospital beds per capita, employees of medical institutions) on extreme-heat vulnerability assessment in Busan Metropolitan City during 2006-2010. Methods: According to the vulnerability concept suggested by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), extreme-heat vulnerability is comprised of the categories of Exposure, Sensitivity, and Adaptive Capacity (including EHF). The indexes of the Exposure and Sensitivity categories indicate positive effects, while the Adaptive capacity index indicates a negative effect on extreme-heat vulnerability. Variables of each category were standardized by the re-scaling method, and then each regional relative vulnerability was computed with the vulnerability index calculation formula. Results: The extreme-heat vulnerability index (EVI) excepting EHF was much higher in urban areas than in suburban areas within the metropolitan area. When EHF was considered, the difference in the EVI between the two areas was reduced due to the increase of the Adaptive capacity index in urban areas. The low EVI in suburban areas was induced by a dominant effect of natural environmental factors (e.g. green area) within the Adaptive capacity category. Conclusions: To reduce the vulnerability to extreme heat in urban areas, which were more frequently exposed to extreme heat than others areas, public health and natural environments need to be improved in sensitive areas.



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이원정(Won-jung Lee),강재은(Jae-Eun Kang),김유근(Yoo-Keun Kim). (2013).환경보건적 요소가 도시 내 폭염 취약성 평가 결과에 미치는 영향 분석. 1. 한국환경보건학회지, 39 (6), 492-504


이원정(Won-jung Lee),강재은(Jae-Eun Kang),김유근(Yoo-Keun Kim). "환경보건적 요소가 도시 내 폭염 취약성 평가 결과에 미치는 영향 분석." 1. 한국환경보건학회지, 39.6(2013): 492-504

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