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DEA모형을 이용한 수출주도형 철강회사의 경영효율성 분석

이용수 81

The Efficiency Analysis of Export-Oriented Steel Companies Using DEA Model
신연수(Yeon-Soo Shin)
간행물 정보
『무역연구』제8권 제3호, 119~137쪽, 전체 19쪽
경제경영 > 무역학

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This study is to analyze the efficiency of Korean export-oriented steel companies in 2008. The steel industry as the nation’s infrastructure plays big part in main areas which are plants, shipbuilding, car industry etc. in the Korean entire economy. After financial crisis, it has been important to figure them all out. The CCR and BCC, Super TE model are used by methodology of efficiency measure. DEA(data envelopment analysis) model with four inputs and two outputs were specified and used to estimate steel industry efficiency. Steel industry was operated with technical efficiency of average 89.4%. This indicates that almost 10.6% costs can be reduced without decreasing output if the steel industry can operate efficiently. This study has 26 companies as decision making units(DMU), thus using non-parametric pearson correlation method. The correlation between input factors and output factors appears to be significantly higher, therefore the DEA model can apply to all variables. Fourteen of twenty six companies get to 100 percent in BCC efficiency, and seven of them have at 100 percent in CCR efficiency. The number of IRS in the return to scale is twelve companies which account for 50 percent of total number of DMU in this study. This is dut to the scale inefficiency of the investment shortfall from economic slump. The statement previously is consistent with the facts that the pure technical inefficiency is 4.88 percent, and the scale inefficiency is 5.93 percent. The Super TE analysis is needed to classify efficiency of seven companies which are same efficiency in technical efficiency. Dongkuk steel is ranked firstly, and SIMPACANC, Dongil industry, Glopost, Daehansteel, POSCO, SEAH Besteel are in sequence.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 기존문헌연구
Ⅲ. 연구자료 및 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과
Ⅴ. 결론


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신연수(Yeon-Soo Shin). (2012).DEA모형을 이용한 수출주도형 철강회사의 경영효율성 분석. 무역연구, 8 (3), 119-137


신연수(Yeon-Soo Shin). "DEA모형을 이용한 수출주도형 철강회사의 경영효율성 분석." 무역연구, 8.3(2012): 119-137

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