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[특집] 한국의 바람직한 대일정책의 방향

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Korea's Foreign Policy Toward Japan in Post-Cold War Era
간행물 정보
『전략연구』통권 제14호, 87~112쪽, 전체 26쪽
사회과학 > 정치외교학

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After the Cold War was over, the Korean-Japanese relations are experiencing radical changes. While the potential cooperative factors between two nations in politico-security and economic fields weaken, bilateral conflict issues such as so?called 'past history problem' , fishery and territorial friction are being revealed. In order to overcome this situation rationally, two governments are required to build up the co-perception framework to cope with conflict issues smoothly. Especially the conflicts concerning 'past history problem' and the bilateral coordination of attitudes toward the North Korea policy are very important issue areas which should be settled down in the near future. This paper provides the objective analysis and desirable policy orientations about the two issues from the point of view of the Korean side. Firstly, 'past history problem' is one of the most serious issues which deteriorated the bilateral relation severely since 1980s. It is obvious that the frequency of conflicts concerning the past history problem between two nations have gradually increased since cold war system was collapsed. Why was this phenomenon occurred? This paper answered the question by pointing out the three factors, say, first is the deconsolidation of the bilateral relations since the collapse of cold war in the context of politico-security area, the second is the intensification of domestic struggle concerning the perception of the past history between the right-wing and the liberal group in Japan, and the third is the stem and hard-line response of the Korean side to the past history problem, Thus this paper suppose that it should be desirable for the Korean side to take more flexible and strategic stance as far as the issue concerned. It is impossible to settle down the issue completely by the any kind of short term measures. Therefore we should make efforts to solve the problem by means of multilateral approach, say. the formation supra-national solidarity at the level of civil societies or setting the issue as the international agenda at the global society. Secondly, the incorrespondence at the North Korea policy between two nations came up to the surface as the serious problem. The Korean government since the appearance Kim Dae-Jung administration is consistently seeking to appeasement approaches toward the North Korea below the slogan named “Sunshine Policy”. In contrast to the this approach. the Japanese government is taking a series of hard-line North Korea policies. It is needless to say that Japan's stem policies toward the North Korea was originated from the uncompromising and hostile activities of the North Korea such as the kidnapping incidents. and the unexpected mid-range missile test across the Japanese territory. In spite of the gap of the interests of two nations, it is essential to make common efforts to alleviate the hostile attitude of the North Korea for the peace and security in northeast Asia area. In this context, we need to give impetus for the Japanese government to resume the normalization negotiation. suspended since 1992. with the North Korea, and take a positive role in KED 0 project herself.


Ⅰ. 머릿말
Ⅱ. 냉전종식과 한일관계의 변화양상
Ⅲ. 과거사 갈등의 구도와 대응방향
Ⅳ. 북한 운제와 한일협력의 방향
Ⅴ. 맺음말


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이원덕. (1998).[특집] 한국의 바람직한 대일정책의 방향. 전략연구, (), 87-112


이원덕. "[특집] 한국의 바람직한 대일정책의 방향." 전략연구, (1998): 87-112

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