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[특집] 한국의 대중정책

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Korea's China Policy: Partnership Toward the 21st Century
간행물 정보
『전략연구』통권 제14호, 113~149쪽, 전체 37쪽
사회과학 > 정치외교학

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Asia is entering a new era in which the “relative” standing of the great powers is undergoing a major change. That process of change has been partly occasioned by the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and partly due to the dynamic economic developments in the region. As the bipolar world gives way to a world comprising several powers of comparable strength. the international system must base its order on some other concept of “equilibrium”. At present. economic and other soft sources of power have become more important in international relations than in the past and power itself is becoming more diffused. And the end of the Cold War has enabled the major states to downgrade ideological differences and big-power rivalries, and focus more dearly upon mutual interests. In the new period, China and the United States share extensive common interests. China and the United States have conducted effective cooperation in maintaining regional peace and development. More recently, China has contributed positively to easing the Asian financial crisis. It has taken risks and paid a price. China has already become the United States' principal “ally” in Asia. China and the United States agreed to build up a “constructive strategic partnership toward the 21s century” . China wants a stable Korean Peninsula. China's foremost security objective is to create a better international environment favorable to the realization of its goals in the socialist modernization drive. But China's strategy with respect to the peninsula now and in the future is not set in stone. China seems more concerned about protecting its national interests and maintaining its influence on the peninsula in the face of potentially dramatic changes than it is about positioning itself to gain dominance in post-reunification Korea. The Chinese are reconciled to the reunification of Korea. In the long run, the Chinese forecast, Korea will be reunified under the dominance of the South as the inevitable consequence of South Korea's advantages in comprehensive national power, especially in economic and political strength. China's primary concern is that reunification occurs peacefully and gradually. This could reduce the influence of other regional powers on the peninsula or at least ensure that these powers control and thus neutralize one another. China probably regards a balance between the big powers as more realistic than the elimination of their influence. The Chinese will continue to base their policies toward the peninsula primarily on “realpolitik”. In recognition of Seoul's preeminent role on the peninsula and the benefits of a rapidly expanding economic relationship with South Korea, China's equidistance policy is now being effectively di~carded in favor of a more “pragmatic” approach that reflects its own interest in stability and development. The ROK policy should focus on trying to find the converging point of its common interests and work to expand the areas of cooperation with China. The ROK can better advance its interests by stressing (l)political. (2) economic, and (3) strategic cooperation with China. The ROK should enhance the dialogue with China on security in order to promote peace and stability in the region: increase exchanges and cooperation on the basis of equality and reciprocity and work for greater development in the economic and trade relations with China; and continue to make greater strides toward the goal of a “strategic partnership” with China.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 한중관계의 세로운 `환경`
Ⅲ. 중국의 `동기`와 `접근`
Ⅳ. 한국의 `대응`과 `전략`
Ⅴ. 결론


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이영길. (1998).[특집] 한국의 대중정책. 전략연구, (), 113-149


이영길. "[특집] 한국의 대중정책." 전략연구, (1998): 113-149

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