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高峰 奇大升의 민본적 정치사상과 현실

이용수 144

Gobong Ki Dae-seung’s Political Thoughts of People Based-on and Reality
권인호(Kwon In ho)
간행물 정보
『동양철학』東洋哲學 第47輯, 39~66쪽, 전체 28쪽
인문학 > 철학

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국문 초록

고봉 기대승은 조선조 중기 성리학자이다. 그는 이황과 7년간 리기심성과 사단칠정에 관한 논변하였다. 유학의 종지는 ‘수기치인’인데, 성리학의 심성논쟁은 ‘수기’에 관한 것이다. 이것은 『대학』에 표현되었고 ‘치인’은 유학의 민본적 정치사상이다. 이를 바탕으로, 고봉의 정명론과 공의적인 민본적 정치사상을 연구한 것이다. 조선 중기의 시대상황과 주자학의 영향의 양상과 그 발전 특징을 지금 민주적인 정치현실과 연결시켜 논하였다. 이를 통하여 향후 민주적인 대동사회를 현실화하고자 하였다. 고봉의 「논사록」에서 제12강은 유교의 경세제민 사상과 민본 정치철학에 관한 것이다. 1568년 이황과 조식에게 시사에 대한 구언을 하였다. 그 가운데 고봉의 ‘공물폐해론’과 ‘서리망국론’은 남명의 「무진봉사」의 내용과 거의 일치하고 있다. 고봉의 경세학과 정치사상의 업적은 조야를 감화시켰고 후인들의 좋은 귀감이다. 그의 사단칠정론도 중요하며, 경학에 중점을 두었다. 그가 선조와 시무에 대한 간언은 그의 경세학적 정치사상의 정열과 웅지이며 핵심이다.

영문 초록

Gobong Ki Dae-seung(高峰 奇大升;1527~1572) was the figure Neo-Confucian of Korean history of philosophy in the middle age of Joseon dynasty. He is famous for debating with Yi Hwang(李滉;1501~1570) about Ligisimseong(理氣心性: the principle of universe and the nature of human mind) and Four bases and Seven Feelings(四端七情) for 7 years. The main purport of Confucianism is ‘Self-Cultivation and Governing People(修己治人)’, and discussion of the nature of human mind in Neo-Confucianism is about ‘Self-Cultivation’. ‘Self-Cultivation’ is accomplished with ‘Gaining Knowledge of the Study of Things(格物致知)’ and ‘Making the will sincere and Correcting thought(誠意正心)’, and then ‘Regulating the Family(齊家)’ and ‘Ordering the State-Restore Peace in the Whole Country(治國平天下)’ are about ‘Governing People’. These were represented in “Great Learning(大學)”, and not only the thought of administration but also the political theory. This thesis studied Gobong’s theory of ‘Rectification of Names’ and political thought with impartial opinion, focused on political thoughts of people based-on and administration theory in Confucianism. And then, this thesis connected the situation of middle age of Joseon, influence of Neo-Confucianism and its feature of development to democratic political reality in the present-day. With these elements, this study intend to embody democratic ‘Daedong-Society(大同社會)’ that was dealt in Confucian philosophy, and hope better days, eventually, Lesson 12(King Seonjo first year; December 19th, 1569) in Gobong’s ‘Nonsarok’ contended his lecture for King’s Learning about ‘Seonjin’ in “Confucian Analects” and ‘Hongbeom’ in “the Scripture of Documents”. Based on these Confucian classics, he pointed out deficit of national finance and people’s economic plight, those were about thoughts of people based-on and administration theory in Confucianism. By the way, at that time, King Seonjo asked for advice on current problems from 68 year old Toegye and Nammyeong Cho Shik(1501~1572), who were called national ‘Great Elder’. Among Gobong’s twelve times lessons, ‘The Theory about Disruption of Tribute System(貢物弊害論)’ and ‘The Theory of national ruin by clerks(胥吏亡國論)’ are almost same with Nammyeong’s ‘Mujinbongsa(戊辰封事;The Memorials in 1568)’ which was devoted in May 1568. Gobong lived a short life as 46 years. But his achievement on administrational and political thoughts of people based-on influenced the academic circles at that time and became a model for coming generations. Of course his theory of Four bases and Seven Feelings, which proves his brilliant tact and logicality, is important, and he always focused on Confucian classics. Moreover, his serious debate about urgent issues with King Seonjo proves his passion for study of administration and noble ambition.


국문 초록
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 조선중기 사회정치적 상황과 민본적 정치사상
Ⅲ. 청백리와 出處 및 고봉의 민본적 정치ㆍ經世사상
Ⅳ. 유학자로서의 선비정신과 諫言적 현실 비판정신
Ⅴ. 맺음말


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권인호(Kwon In ho). (2017).高峰 奇大升의 민본적 정치사상과 현실. 동양철학, 47 , 39-66


권인호(Kwon In ho). "高峰 奇大升의 민본적 정치사상과 현실." 동양철학, 47.(2017): 39-66

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